Dwelling in My Past

Start from the beginning

"I...I don't know? I just...I just feel like I never really achieved anything throughout those entire adventures" she simply said and look down on the ground and started fiddling with her fingers. She felt her tears welling up again and she did everything she could to prevent them from falling but failed miserably. Javi must've notice because she felt his hand on her chin and slowly lift her head up to look at him. She's doing her best not to cry in front of her friend but seems like luck is not on her side today. She just closed her eyes tightly to prevent more tears from falling. Javi felt her chin quivering and he knows that at any moment, she's ready to broke down. So he did the only thing he can do to comfort her at this point. He hugged her tightly to himself. He didn't know what the reason was to cause her to be like this but he's ready to be there for her anytime to comfort her and tell her that everything is going to be okay no matter what the problem is. He just held her tightly.

"Talk to me whenever you're ready" he only said in her ear softly and continued hugging her tightly. He saw the rest of their friends teleported back inside the base. They notice the two hugging and was about to start teasing them when they saw Javi shook his head at them warningly. That's when Amelia started opening up to him. She didn't even know that they have company because she was still engulfed in his arms.

"I'm sick and tired of people telling me what to do. Either stop with my crazy obsession or make more reasonable decisions in life. You know, Pop Pop never actually did any of that to me? He never dictated my life to me. He lets me do what I love to do, he lets me persue my passion. But it sucks because other people was there ready to judge me beyond my career path. Telling me to do more factual things and to stop with my stupid ghost hunting adventures" she stop for a moment to take a breath.

He can feel her tears on his shirt but he doesn't mind because he wanted Amelia to let out all her hatreds. He wanted her to feel okay again. He's not used to Amelia not being her bubbly self. She slowly detached herself from him still not noticing the others behind her. She just continued her confession while he and the others started to listen more intently to their sad friend.

"You wanna know what got me into ghost huntings? It's not even about the ghosts anymore. It's about my parents! It's about them since the very first beginning. Pop Pop told me they disappeared when I was a baby, he didn't say whether they're dead or not so I just assumed that they are. And because of that I wanted to talk to them, to their spirits" she paused again and took a deep breath. She started sobbing slightly so Javi kept a hold of her hands for a bit of comfort but he knows he can't do anything at this point but to let her let out all her frustrations. He subtly look back at the others and saw the sadness in their eyes. Ollie even wore a guilty face.

"I badly wanted to asked them why they left me so early! I wanna know their reason! Pop Pop is the only one w-who raised me all those years ago. I-I never...I n-never experienced what it f-felt like to have a c-complete f-family. B-back then, I was a-always the o-orphan girl whenever there's a family day at school. M-my c-classmates always taunted me I-I'm useless t-that's why I don't h-have a-any p-parents" she sobbed openly to him. He cupped her face and shook his head at her.

"You're not useless okay? Forget whatever they said back then. You are an amazing person. You make people happy by just being yourself simply. You make me happy. Everyday at work or ranger duties, I enjoy your company. I like being with you, spending time with you. I'm sure the others can say the same thing about you" he said and he look back at the other and saw them nod their heads in silent agreement at his statement. Amelia just shook her head at him. Not believing what he said to her.

"Growing up, I'm always t-the outcast in everything. I don't have a mom and dad, don't get me wrong I love Pop Pop so much that I will do anything just to make it up to him for everything that he's done for me. But it's still a different feeling when you have your complete family. So it hurts whenever people judge me without knowing my story" she sobbed quietly. She thinks she's done for now. She already let out all her anger and frustrations to Javi. Quiet embarrassing to be honest, but she had no choice. All her emotions just kept building inside her like a bubble awaiting to be burst and it just happens for Javi to be the one there to let out all of it. She noted to herself to apologize to him later.

"You're not useless Amelia" Izzy finally spoke up from behind them. She immediately turn her attention to her voice and realized that the whole team was there. She looked back at Javi questioningly, brows furrowed deeply and just looked back again to their friends behind them.

"What? Wait...H-How long have you guys been standing there?" Amelia asked them stammering with her words.

"The whole time" Izzy said smiling silly at her. Amelia just frowned more deeply. She looked back at Javi again.

"You saw them didn't you? Oh god this is so embarrassing" she said running her hands on her hair and looking down at the ground in embarrassment.

"There's nothing to be embarrass about Amelia, you're just letting out your frustrations and we completely understand you now. We're so sorry Amelia" Izzy stated. Amelia just smiled and shook her head.

"It's not you're fault guys, and I'm sorry too I'm just really emotional right now, can't help it" she said chuckling.

"But, I believe someone needs to apologize still" Zayto said looking at Ollie. Ollie look back at him and his eyes went wide. He shook his head in protest at first but Izzy already pushed him forward in front of Amelia.

"Uh...uhm...I'm sorry" he said hesitantly. Javi and the others looked at him unimpressed except for Amelia. She simply smiled at him and held her hand out to him.

"Apology accepted" she said and Ollie shook her hand in return.

"Now that all is settled, can we watch a movie?" Izzy asked their friends. Everyone just chuckled at her enthusiasm and started to get everything ready for their marathon.

"So, you feeling better now?" Javi asked the pink ranger. She look at him and smiled. Eyes sparkling with happiness.

"A lot actually, thank you for listening" she said and kissed him on the cheek. Javi didn't expect the gesture and he tried not to blushed madly.

"Oh...uhm i-it was nothing honestly, you know I'll always be here to help" he stuttered. Amelia smiled at him softly and he smiled back at her.

"Yow guys movie's ready! Hurry up!" Izzy yelled from the couch causing the two to flinched apart and noticed that they were standing close to each other.

"Uhm yep we're coming" Javi said raising his hand at his sister. Izzy just smirked back at him knowing his little secret.

"Movie time?" Amelia asked.

"Movie time" Javi said nodding and together they walked back to their friends and take a seat next to each other comfortably.



Sup ya'll! Sorry it took so long to finish this one. It's been sitting in my drafts so I tried to work on it in the middle of my class.😂

True story by the way, class is so boring I had to do something else and I was like 'why don't you finish your fic then?'😂

Now here you go, brand new one shot for all of you❤️

Hope you enjoy.


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