"he's a keeper"

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No one's pov

Bakugou woke up and saw the lov,class 1A, aizawa, endeavor,all might,best jeanist,and midnight were all standing surrounding him "what the hell is thi-" before bakugou could finish he heard a clank he looked and saw that he was in chains and was naked he immediately

Flushed red and he started yelling at them "what the hell is this!? Why am I naked!?" Bakugou yells to them they than get even closer to him then they already was "it's okay don't panic we just brought you here for a job" midnight

Says to him "what job!?! You know what!?! I don't care just let me go!?! Before somebody finds me like this!?" Bakugou yells "you don't have to worry about that nobody's gonna find you not if we can help it" lida says to bakugou

"What do you mean!? Of course they're gonna come looking for me! And I'll tell them exactly what you guys did to me" bakugou says with a smirk. "Yeah no as much as everyone knows is that your at school right now and your parents actuality agreed to this" all might says

Bakugou looked at them like they grew another head "katsuki look if you do a good job than we'll allow you to continue going to actual school and not do virtual"
Nezu says as he comes from behind zawa

"What!?! I'm not doing virtual school ever! And plus if you guys don't let me go to school that's called being held against my will which you can go to jail for!"
Katsuki said as he once again pulled the
Chains "we have the police on our side"

Endeavor says "and we also have the hero commission" aizawa says bakugou looks down and bites his lip "w-what is the job..?" Katsuki asked them he was well aware that his voice cracked at the end of his sentence

Bakugou was looking down so he didn't see the smiles they had on their faces "it's just a simple job can you do it?" Nezu asked him bakugou slowly nodded
His head if...it was a very simple job than  he could do it

"Good than you can start right now bring them in" all might says todoroki and kiri than left a second later they came in with eri,kota,a small boy than a lady. They were immediately directed to the bed "ahh! Why did you bring them I'm naked!!!" Katsuki yells and struggles against the chains even harder than before mean while eri,kota and the small

Boy didn't even blink at seeing bakugou's body naked at all "okay bakugou eri, kota, and kio are the ones your gonna take care of" midnight says bakugou looks at them in confusion"are you serious right now? Why didn't you call a babysitter for them the heck?" Bakugou asked them. Then they brust out laughing

"Yeah no that's not the job" todoroki says to bakugou "the job is to basically mother these children from feeding them to playing with them" lida says
Bakugou looks at them "no...I won't do that! I'm not their mother nor am I their father I'm not even related to them!!!!!"

Bakugou yelled but than principal nezu stepped up "well than you won't be able to go to ua anymore" nezu says bakugou looked at him even more shocked "so your gonna kick me out!?" Bakugou yelled nezu shook his head "no I'm not gonna kick you out but you're gonna stay here until we say other wise" he says

"Come here" nezu commands eri,kota and kio get up on the bed and go towards bakugou than the lady came and put her hand on bakugou's chest than she started chanting as a bright light a few minutes later the light disappeared leaving

Bakugou panting than the lady left them alone as she left. "Okay since it's a school night we can sleep here tonight" aizawa says "wait! Why am I naked anyway!?"
Bakugou says as he closes his legs

"Well...no reason anyway I'll go get some clothes for you" todoroki says than leaves. "Also what kind of quirk did the lady hit me with?" Bakugou asked but no body answered him at all.

Bakugou oneshots book (2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant