lamia x bakugou

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Okay so their dorms come with a shower and a kitchen they all still go to ua high

No one's pov

Bakugou was sleeping when he started to feel hot there was a slither on his body as he opened his dazed eyes he saw a boy on him. He than started kissing him as he stopped there was a line of saliva connecting their mouths together

Bakugou panted softly but before he knew it their was a slimy tail wrapping around his legs forcing bakugou to spread his legs fully "ngh!" Bakugou moaned out loud. He than felt something start to enter his hole it was slimy that made it able to go even deeper.

Bakugou tried to swallow back all his moans but he couldn't because next thing he knew he was getting pumped full of something but he didn't know what. bakugou woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air he looked around his room panicked but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was empty

He than looked at his clock to see that it's 5 am so he got up and went for a run after he was done with his run and went to his kitchen to make himself a smoothie after he was done eating he went to take a shower after he was done he headed to class. Him being the first one as usual he enjoyed the silence

He got in the class room before long he started thinking about what he dreamed of 'i had a sex dream >^< omg!' he blushed hard he took a deep breath before he sighed before long he heard the rest of his class mates coming

'here we go!' he thought to him self than he felt a hand hanging around his neck he looked to see kirishima "hey bro!" He yelled with his dumb smile on his face "What do you want shitty hair?" Bakugou asked him kirishima just smiled at him when suddenly three more people appeared at his desk he looked and saw

Denki,sero,and mina "hey Blasty!" Mina yelled at him with a smile "hey kacchan!"
Denki yelled at him with a smile "hey dude" sero said with a smile bakugou growled at them and the day went on just like that

Three months later

Bakugou was in his room working on some home work when he suddenly felt a chill so he got up and was about to change his clothes when he suddenly felt a breath on his back he instantly went rigd he tried to turn around to see who it is but he found he couldn't move he started to panic

The guy wrapped his arms around bakugou and pulled him close he than put his hand on bakugou's shirt than with his long, sharp nails he cut the stomach off of Bakugou's shirt than put

His cold hand on bakugou's stomach he than rubbed it "hey love" the guy said with a smirk bakugou shivered and looked at him "w-who are you..?" Bakugou asked him quietly the man's smirk grew even bigger

"You don't remember me love?" The guy asked him bakugou quickly shook his head the guy pushed him on to the bed "I'm your soulmate love the one who's kids you will soon give birth to" the guy
Said "what!?!" Bakugou yelled

He quickly tried to push the weird guy off of him. But he failed to do "i- please don't I'm still in school and i- I don't want children!" Bakugou yelled back to him his voice filled with disgust at the idea

Of having children at all the man's smirk dropped than his eyes turned into a cold smile "but suki you already have them in you now" bakugou paled he than looked at his stomach and grabbed it than went to the mirror hoping it was fake but starting to see a small bump on his lower  stomach "no!!" Bakugou yelled

He than looked at the guy with cold eyes and glowing red eyes "how dare you!?! Use my body for your ...your..spawns!!" Bakugou's yelled

As he backed away he than turned but as soon as he did he felt a pain in his head he crumbled to the ground in pain clutching his stomach as he groaned

"W-what the hell?! W-why are you doing this to me? I've done nothing to you!!! So why?!" Bakugou asked as the man picked him up and put him back on the bed

The man lightly chuckled "I've always loved you and you were,are and will always be mine and I will always love you no matter what" the man said as he cuddled bakugou and lightly kissed his forehead as they went to sleep

Bye guys! And have a nice day!

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