Addicted to addiction

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I walked downstairs my platinum blonde hair pulled into a bun with a blue scrunchie. (To match my eyes)

As I enter the kitchen I see my mom shooting up crack cocaine while snorting alchohol. She's sitting in the fridge and scowls at me in disgust when I open the cabinet.

"You're a fucking fatass."

"And you're a addict."

"And you're getting adopted."


I suddenly drop the box of cereal I was holding it spilling all over my Birkenstocks as my mom starts doing a weed.

"I called the adoptiocy hotline, your new daddy is picking you up tommrow."

"I don't even have a daddy now you fat cow."

She threw her a weed at me causing me to stumble back into the counter as she stalked towards me menacingly.

"You're dad was a hippy dippy little shitty witty man whore who was lucky I didn't put his ass six feet under."

"K lmao."

She backed off opening a cabinet and grabbing a methemphetamine out of it continuing to put it up her nose. She made her way out of the kitchen leaving me to cry.

I shoved all my brandy Melville clothes into my bright pink shitcase. Quickly having to grab a new one as that one got filled with my tears.

Why couldn't my mom just love me? Ever since my dad like died or ran away or something she looks at me with disgust.

It doesn't help that I'm a cracker just like him. We look so alike. Is my mom sexually attracted to me?

That thought causes more tears to fall as I realize I filled another suitcase with my tears opening my closet to find my my little pony suitcase. It had pinkie pussy on the front and I kin her.

I ripped my teddy bear called mr. Styles off my bed and ripped off all my posters of Harry styles too. Shoving them inside the suitcase with everything else.

I laid on the floor my 69 suitcases laying on my bed. I curled myself into a ball and pulled my legs to my chest as I sobbed again.

Then something clicked in me. No I'm not a little beta bitch. ME y/n I'm the fucking alpha and I'm gonna show my mom.

I shit in her nightstands covering her Xanax in my shit before also shutting in her bed.

I quickly found a razor and cut a gash on my leg covering the bathroom with my blood. Then going back to her room and putting some there too.

That's not even mentioning the piss. If I were a cat I'd be homeless. Maybe in someways, I am a cat.

I went back to my room imaging what she would use it for once I'm gone. Maybe a drug storage room for her a weeds. Maybe fully stocked shelves of her alchol. Maybe needles for her a heroin.

Either way I think she'd be happy because I'm not in it. And either way I shit on her bed so FUCK YOU MOM!

I laid on my floor waiting for sleep to overcome me it not being able to as I could hear my mom shooting up achoclcol.

Hopefully my new dad isn't a addict. One can dream.

The next morning


My mom screamed as I raised my head off of my hardwood floors. Wiping away the crumbs from my eyes, I got up and started throwing suitcases off my bed. Rolling them out the hallway then throwing them down the stairs. My 69 suitcases forming a large pile at the end of the stairs.

I made my way down the stairs my eyes trained on my white airforces as I walked down the stairs. Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention to my suitcases as I tripped over my rainbow dart one falling down the stairs and into the massive pile.

"Oi mayte chew awright tere?"

Wait... I've heard that voice before. His chocolate-y smooth vocals and even smoother skin. I slowly raised my head up coming face to face with none other then Harry styles.

"Ello luv, eim yaw dahday."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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Harry styles hates women but adopts oneWhere stories live. Discover now