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Willow's POV:
I run. I run without any reason. I run from the whispers in my head and the shadows in my mind. I run because I can feel the adrenaline swell inside me and make me forget where I am. I run from Maxwell and the stupid games he wants to play with me. Something moves out of the corner of my eye and I stop dead in my tracks. There is no escape. I know that I shouldn't, but I turn around. A dark, slimy figure inks its way closer to me. It's no use running. It looks big and hairy and it towers over me. I can feel one breathing behind me. You can't run from yourself. I swipe at the creature with my hand, but it just passes right through him. I feel something tighten in my chest. It seems to smile at me and laugh. I turn around to see another one. They are surrounding me. Laughing at me.
"Go away," I scream into the nothingness of the shadows. I feel Maxwell's presence around me. I know he is watching me. I can feel his eyes beating down on me. I hear him laughing. Just give up. I pull out my lighter and flick if on. I go up in a blaze of sparks and fire. The shadows go to hide and the voices seem to stop. I finally have escape. I sit in the warmth of the fire, letting it consume me.It's been two weeks since I have seen any sign of Wilson. I haven't been able to get him out of my mind. I can't stop thinking that he might be dead. Then again, being dead is better then being stuck here. I fall on to the floor and pull my knees closer to my chest. I wish I was as lucky as Wilson. I wish I were dead too.
Wilson's POV:
I take a deep breath and inhale the taste of grass. I'm laying face down on the ground, ready to give up. My stomach is begging, pleading for food I cannot give it. The grass taste sweet and raw, but so unsatisfying. I know I must be putting on a good show for Maxwell. He loves to watch me suffer. I push myself onto my knees and try to stand. My voice comes out shaky as I pull myself up.
"I must say Higgsbury, you are quite amusing." I hear Maxwell's voice echo around me. I don't turn around. I know he won't be there. I know deep down that he won't be there, but something deep inside me begs to look. I turn to see the empty, wretched world I live in. Inside me, something shatters and it feels like I've just been stabbed by broken glass.
"You are pathetic Higgsbury. I expected more from you." His voice rang in my ear, telling me to look behind me once more. "You are a sorry excuse for a scientist."
I cover my ears so I don't have to hear the lies anymore. It doesn't stop him though. I swear I can feel his breath on my, I can see his demonic smile. I know he can't be there. I squeeze my eye closed and rock back and forth on my knees.
"You're work is nothing. You're life is nothing. You are nothing." his voice is sharp and clear and every word goes in like a red-hot dagger.
"No. Get out of my head." I scream to no one but myself. I hear him laughing now. It drags on and on, reminding me of where I am. Reminding me of how badly my arm hurts and how much I want to give up. Reminding me of how hungry I am. I am nothing more then a play thing in this world of insanity.
Wendy's POV:
I hold Abigail's flower delicately in my hands. I gently caress its petals. I wish Abigail was with me. Life is such a miserable cause and all I want is to see my sister again.
"Let me out," the flower whispers to me. I know it is my sister. I just has to be Abigail.
"How?" I ask to no avail. The flower is silent once again. "How!" I ask a little louder. Something dashes out of the corner of my eye and I look up to see a small creature a little ways off. It had the shape of a bunny with long deer antlers. Setting down the flower I cautiously approached the creature. It didn't notice me until I jumped on it and took it by the ears. I let out a shriek of terror and started shaking to escape my hands. I felt an over whelming sensation come over me. I knew that it must be the flower telling me of what to do. I sat the bunny-creature next to the flower, holding it down so it couldn't escape. I picked up the closest stone I could find. The creature jerked under my hand as I did it. I gripped the stone in my hand, prepared for what I had to do.
"Do it." The flower seemed to scream. I slammed the stone into the creature over and over again. The first few times it let out a squeal and tried even harder to get away from me. Even after it stopped moving, I keep hitting it. Blood went everywhere and it was now covering me. After awhile my hand started cramping and I looked up at Abigail's flower. Nothing happened and I was left sitting there. Covered in blood and alone.

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