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Wilson's POV:
I take in the wisp of a breath. Pain crawls its way into my chest as I accept the air in my lungs. The a sharp pain hides behind the cold on the back of my neck. My left arm hangs limply at my side. I haven't been able to move it for awhile. I think I might have dislocated my shoulder when I was thrown to the ground. I clasp my right arm tightly around my waist, afraid it's going to start bleeding again. I don't dare try to stand or move. I just lay there in the grass, the sun beating down on my skin. The grass is soft and still wet from last nights downpour. My stomach growls begging with me find some food. At first I try to ignore it, but as the growls get louder my pain worsens. Eventually I push up off the floor. A burning sensation ripples its way across my whole body. I can feel the skin on my abdomen start to rip apart. I close my eyes and wait for the pain to subside. Its noon now, probably later. I haven't seen Willow since dawn when she ran off into the forest. I wanted to scream at her for being so stupid. I finally manage to stand. My legs feel weak and pointless. I look around to find a never ending stretch of grass and trees. There is not a single berry bush as far as I can see. I start stumbling back towards camp. I must have ran farther then I thought because I cannot find my fire pit anywhere. My stomach is aching now and the pure pain of that makes me want to hunch over and die. I give out a short cry before I notice the little tuft of a carrot poking out of the grass. I run as best I could and throw myself over the precious tuft. I yank the carrot out of the ground and shove it greedily into my mouth. It taste like dirt and desperation. My stomach goes silent for a moment before picking back up its low cry of despair. I pick myself back up and trudge along the edge of the forest. Its dusk and at any moment I know I could be attacked. I beg for the dogs to wait another night. I pull myself into the forest and pick up stray sticks from off the ground. Every movement sends a new shockwave of pain throughout my body. I can feel someone's beady eyes watching me. Observing me like I was some kind of test subject. I can feel their smile beating down on me from invisible lips. I can almost make out their laugh under the whispers that swirl in my head. They like to watch my suffering. I pull out of the forest and pile together a bunch of sticks for a fire. I looked down at this pathetic pile of rubble and a thought forms at the back of my head. For once the whispers in my head go quiet. The thought hisses and screams in my head. What's the point? Everything just stops in its tracts. I take a sharp breath in and pain takes another rush through me. I feel cold and broken. The whispers start hissing at me again, this time repeating the same words over and over again. I think of the pain. I think of that wreaked little voice and the inhuman demon it belongs to. I think of his fingers wrapped around my neck and his horrid smile. The whispers pick up, going louder and faster. They command me to give up. I press my hands against my head and get down on my knees. The voices are relentless. They just keep hissing in my head. The are wailing now. Forcing me to listen to them. I look up into the sky and release the scream I've been holding back all this time. It comes as a deep, longing scream. Then everything falls silent. As the whispers try to take reign of my mind once again, I scream again. The fury builds up in me. The scream sounds like longing and sadness and fury. Then there is silence. Nothing but blissful silence that swirls steadily around me. The sun starts to sink below the horizon. I strike a fire and light my makeshift campfire. I'm not going to let Maxwell beat me yet. Not now and not ever. I don't care how long it's going to take, but one day I will break that little jaw of his. The sun lowers and I'm left with darkness and shadow and thoughts swirling around in my head. It's cold and silent, but I know I'm not alone because he is always watching me. Always smiling at my pain and laughing at how broken I am.

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