you wear her hoodie

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Feeling the cool air rush down your shoulder blades woke you from your light sleep.

You shivered and wrapped yourself a little tighter in the blankets, only to hear Sihyeon let out a soft sound and tug at the blanket.

You realized that you already had most of it to yourself, to begin with, and you don't want her to be cold too.

So you let go of the blanket a bit, only covering up to your chest, which allowed for Sihyeon to have a little more of it.

While she was cozy and sleeping soundly beside you, you continued to feel cold and found yourself wide awake as time went by.

After spending a few minutes feeling restless and knowing that you had no chance of getting back to sleep if you didn't warm up, you decided to get out of bed and find something warmer to wear.

You kept your eyes on Sihyeon as you slipped out of bed, trying your very hardest to be as quiet and as careful as you could so you wouldn't disturb her and ruin her sleep.

She's had a lot of early mornings and late nights over the last two or three weeks, so busy with stuff for the group and today is her first day off since, and you want her to get as much sleep as her body craves through tonight and early tomorrow.

You turned on the lamp as soon as your feet were on the floor and you were standing up. You looked at Sihyeon once more and watched as she stirred a little before rolling onto her stomach and burying her face in the pillow in an attempt to block the light out.

You waited to hear her steady breaths once more to know she was fast asleep again and once you did, you walked across the floor to the closet and started to look for something else to wear.

You began to look through your clothes, trying to be as quiet as you possibly could as you moved the hangers across the closet, causing them to make a little noise as you did so.

Eventually, you found something to wear.

It wasn't anything of yours. It was actually one of Sihyeon's hoodies.

But you wear it so often she always jokes that everyone would think it was yours more than they would think it was hers.

Knowing she'd have no problem with you wearing it, you pulled it off the hanger and over your head.

As soon as you pulled your hair out from under the comfortable fabric, you felt Sihyeon's arms wrap around you, causing you to jump.

"Do you know what time it is?" She sleepily mumbled against your neck.

You shook your head, unable to hold back your smile as her breath tickled your skin.

"Four-thirty am. I woke up at four-thirty am without you by my side. I missed you."

"I was only out of bed for two minutes and only because I was cold." You laughed as you turned around, looking into her tired brown eyes.

"Yeah, but still. I got cold without you beside me." She said before kissing your lips, her hands falling gently onto your hips. "You're in my hoodie."

"Yeah." You smiled.

"I should've guessed." She joked before kissing you again. "You always look so cute in my clothes, baby."

You giggled and then kissed the corners of her lips.

"Thank you, my love. I can tell that you're tired though, so let's get back into bed."

She nodded and let you go as you got back into bed.

As soon as you were under the covers and turned off the light, she was spooning you with her chest against your back.

Kissing your neck a few times, she slipped her hand beneath her hoodie that you had on and brushed her fingers across your skin.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Sihyeon."

"Are you warm now?" She asked and you couldn't help but smile yet again as you closed your eyes and basked in the warmth of her hoodie and her arms.

"Very. I feel much better."

"Good." She mumbled tiredly. "Go back to sleep, baby. Have sweet dreams."

"You too." You said as you both began to fall back asleep together, as warm and as content as you could possibly be.

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