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  The Wind gently swooshed in the sky, clouds moveded almost aduioable in the air. Trees moved side to side as the bright autumn leaves showed themselves quite famously.


Erens POV:

Eren you need to pay attention!! The director had shouted. I stood there with a slight frown. Today was not the day for me, normally I'm abnoxious about this kind of stuff but I was just recently placed as the main character in a new movie that was soon to come out.

But this was just very difficult to be able to remember the lines and actions. I love my job but sometimes I wish I could have one day where I wasn't be bossed around.

" sorry I'll try again " I replied once again getting back in my original position as they began to get the cameras rolling.

{ After The PreRoll }

" Cut!"my director said after what seemed forever she finally let me off.

" you may take the rest of the day to yourself Eren " She said while packing up her stuff.  I gave her a small smile while waving her off.

" well then I'll see you tomorrow"
I took the chance to slip out the door before they could ask me further questions.


  Levi POV:

Of course like every other business man your booked with more files and paperwork. At least that's what I thought I'd be doing. But no God rained hell on me.

I'm stuck in the waiting room while listening to hange gossip to Erwin about some stupid ass movie over an bratty actor.

" levi!! I'm telling you he's so cute you would die over him!! " hange had squealed. I groaned giving her the shut the fuck up look.

" hange whoever this is, is just a bratty actor who's famous noting fancy he's just like every other actor "  I said with a Low tone in voice.

" but lev lev leviii! He's not just any actor he's the youngest actor there is besides kids. He's 19 just round your age!! Omg you guys would be soo cute together! " She yelled which only made me irrated .

" shut up four eyes would yeah. One that ain't happening two that ain't happening and three there's isn't anything special about him. Is just a fucking kid who's across the world probably and we're never ending up together " I replied again this time with my arms crossed leaning against the wall.

She only pouted while clinging to erwins arm. Those two were always stuck together. 

" your wrong, just wait lev lev levi I'll make it happen just you wait! " She crackled. This lady was to crazy for my liking.

I rolled my eyes leaning up off the wall before giving them both one last look and shaking my head meanwhile walking off back to my hell hole.. The office.


I wanna thank everyone for being so patient in waiting for the new book. I promise as soon as I get more motivation, the nw chapters for golden eyes will be out. For now enjoy this chapter of my new release. " paradise Bound "

510 words

Sat, April 16

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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