~Secondary OC~

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Name: Annabelle

Alias (If any): N/A

Nicknames: Doll, Anna, Anne, Annie (She honestly doesn't mind, although her favourite is Annie) Belle (A nickname given to her by her love interest)

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: A Doll

Crush: Chips Bettigan

Job: Mainly works as a waitress and cleaner

Fears: Loud noises, violence



She is easily made nervous and is easily startled. She can be pretty jumpy and is easily intimidated by others as she knows with what she is people could easily do some serious damage. Although, she'll only feel like this if the situation seems to be turning for the first, if she thinks she could turn the situation around she will be pretty calm.


She tends to trust others too quickly, which has often got her into trouble in numerous occasions, in these situations people had to rush in and stop anything from happening to her.

Easily Amused

It doesn't take much to fascinate her, if you have a story to tell, interesting news, or doing something impressive you will have her full attention.

Easily scared

It doesn't take much to frighten or scare her. She's easily scared and by loud noises or seeing any form of violence.

Habits: Tapping her foot when nervous


Annabelle is a living porcelain doll with very pale porcelain skin and a permanent light pink blush. Much like some dolls, she has visible ball joints. She has long wavy brown hair and red eyes. She quite short, only being slightly taller than the cup brothers despite how old she is.

When at work she wears a plain dark grey dress with a lighter grey collar and dark grey waist coat, dark grey stockings and black flats.

Her casual outfit is a dark pink dress that reaches halfway down her calves with frills along the edge. She also wears a white cardigan over the top of it, black tights and heels that match her dress.

Her sleepwear is an oversized button up shirt and a pair of shorts.


She used to live her life as one of the few humans in inkwell, growing up and having a happy childhood, although her parents could be strict at times. One day when she was an adult, she managed to anger someone who in turn cursed her, turning her into a living doll. However, in doing so she also lost all of her memories of her past apart from her first name. Wandering aimlessly for hours, she was struggling to find anywhere to shelter as it got dark, until she stumbled upon the Devil's casino. She soon entered and looked around. Eventually she ran into the devil himself who started questioning who she was and why she was there so late. She explained that she woke up somewhere with no memories of what had happened to her and told him that she had nowhere to go. He ended up agreeing to let her work there, even going as far as to find her somewhere to live. It was a day later that she met everyone else when the devil had dice introduce her to the rest of the crew as a new employee, which was how she met her love interest. Perhaps one day she'll regain her memories and remember what happened to her, and maybe she'll one day be able to break the curse.


Despite being a doll, she still needs sleep and food.

She is pretty easily scared, but she is most scared of the dark as it reminds her of when she awoke with no memories which was pretty scary for her.

She has a really bad sense of direction.

She has dreams about her past as if in her sleep her mind is trying to remind her who she is, but by the time she wakes up she completely forgets them. So to her these dreams seem weird and she doesn't like them, which has led to her trying to stay awake for as long as possible in an attempt to avoid them sometimes. Sometimes bit of them stick but she doesn't understand them because she obviously doesn't remember her past.

Because she's a literal porcelain doll she is pretty fragile and quite literally crack or shatter if she isn't careful, also, if the curse was to ever be broken, any cracks and such would remain as scars on her human body.

Looks up to King Dice as a brother figure



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