Chapter 3

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I did not look through this chapter as well😀

Legosi is used to people fearing him, they're all scared of him, the big bad wolf.

He always stay in the darkness, he has been since he was a kid.

He's in the drama club, he been there for awhile now but he doesn't act on stage, that's the actor teams job, not his.


Legosi kneeled down, looking at tems picture, flowers all over it, behind it is a huge crushed door. Legosi' honestly surprised that it didn't fall off already.

Looking down, closing his eyes as tems voice went through his mind.

"It's just not the right time, don't worry. I'll wait for the perfect moment, to tell her my feelings"




'Tem, I've told her' he thought looking up.
Tem had a crush on els before he was devoured, people said the one who devoured him is a student in this school.

"Look! It's Louis!!" A girl squealed as other girls joined in.

Louis walked past all the squealing girls, holding flowers. He kneeled besides Legosi and closed his eyes. Putting down the flowers.

'Louis, a red deer, is the lead actor of the drama club, he is a year older then me and pretty much runs the school. It seems like he has it all' Legosi thought

"You're staring" Louis said glancing at Legosi.
Legosi, who finally realized that he was staring, immediately looked away.

"Oh-h...uh sorry" Legosi apologies looking at Louis again.

"Is rudeness something that's inherent in wolves?... Hmm... you're that pup from the art apartment, I got a task for you to do" Louis said, getting up "come on"

"Sure" Legosi said, getting up as well.
'Wonder what he wants me to do' legosi thought, walking after Louis.


"Oh- um Louis!" Zoe said.

"Have his costume fitted by tomorrow's rehearsal" Louis said turning around to face Legosi.

"What?" Legosi said, confused.

"Zoe is tems replacement, we selected him at yesterday's leader meeting" turning his head to look at Zoe "...right?"

"Uh- yes" Zoe said, a little nervous.

Looking away from Zoe, Louis said "How ironic to see you here, oddie the water spirit"

"Huh?" "We're rehearsing, give me oddie's lines" Louis said looking at Zoe again.

"...oh, right... I'm sorry, I hadn't learned it yet" Zoe hesitated. Louis walked towards him and grabbed his jaw rather roughly, hurting Zoe a bit.

"What is it? Open wide" Louis said turning Zoe's head side to side, glaring at him.

"Uh- Louis" "now, now, don't tell me you went and ate that script" Louis said staring at Zoe's eyes as Legosi awkwardly stood there.

"That is all goats like you are good for, isn't it? Eating paper? This isn't the place to go around showing off you know" Louis said.

"I-I'll memorize it by tomorrow, I promise" Zoe said, hoping for Louis to let go of his jaw.

Suddenly the door slammed opened as Kai shouted"Louis! Zoe doesn't deserve being tems replacement! I was runner-up at the auditions so-""don't you knock?" Louis snapped, looking at Kai from the corner of his eye. He looked back at Zoe "now get out, and memorize the script" finally letting go of his jaw, Zoe walked out "okay..." closing the door. Kai then noticed Legosi "hey, what are you doing in here? Don't you just work on the stage crew?" Kai said glaring at Legosi.

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