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"Raine, wait...!" she called out as another wave of thunder and lightning clapped from above her. As she pulled her knees close to her chest, Zarya closed her eyes in an attempt to calm down her nerves. As the ship jostled violently due to the crashing waves outside, the screeches continued to pierce Zarya's eardrum as her throat burned from the scream that threatened to escape. Now feeling her heart almost leap out of her chest from the shock of it all, Zarya began to rub her hands together as she trembled in fear. Hearing a familiar screech different from the one she heard before, Zarya could match that particular scream to that of Raine as Captain Kaos' yells overpowered hers.

"Shit" she whispered. What felt like hours to Zarya was only five minutes passing in reality before the cabin door creaked with a menacing and creepy vibe to reveal Captain Kaos hovering over the seemingly lifeless bodies of Kitty Boon and Raine Woodsprite. A soft gasp escaped Zarya as the other crew members gasped in horror at the scene before them.

Captain Kaos turned to his prisoners, "Let this be a lesson to all of you to NEVER question the captain and to never disobey orders." As he walked away from Raine and Kitty to assert his dominance, Zarya's insides began to churn in utter fear and defiance as she stared at the bloody bodies of her friends. Moans and groans escaped Kitty as Zarya was pushed out of the way by her little brother Kasey Boon. Zarya felt her knees cripple in fear as she cupped her mouth in her hand, her other arm clutching her stomach as she stared at the boy hugging his sister, his cries of agony taunting her eardrums.

And to think that she had made a promise to Kitty that she would always protect her...

As she nibbled on her lip to bite back the sheer shrills that her body threatened to let out, Zarya collapsed to the ground before burying her head in her knees, the binds on her wrists tightening as she rocked herself back and forth. Memories of her village being burnt to ashes and dust came back to her as the voice of her mother echoed in her mind.

"Run, Zarya... Go!... I will always love you, but you need to leave before he gets you!"

"Zarya. It's going to be okay," a voice whispered into her ear as the tears allowed her body to break into violent trembles. As Captain Kaos laughed maniacally for his prisoners to hear, Zarya couldn't help but feel a deep pit of foul rage from the inner depths of her soul. As the burning in her throat worsened, her stomach churned with mixed feelings of lust, envy, and utter pain.

Zarya's coarse throat burned from the next few words that her mind forced her tongue to say. "No," she muttered, the pain in her chest worsening as she tried to stand, "He hurt her." As Zarya's eyes glowed white in the darkness, she could feel every emotion burst into flames as she absentmindedly scratched her forearm; blood sprouting from her epidermis as she gritted her teeth. "You psychopath!" she screeched. "YOU HURT HER!" Before Zarya could begin to comprehend her actions, Raine's nails scuffed her arms as she dragged them out of Raine's hold. Feeling utter power run through her veins, Zarya let out another screech as Captain Kaos directed his attention to her, his mocking smirk intimidating her as her throat burned from the next round of screams her body was compelling her to let out.

"YOU REALLY THINK I FIND THIS THREATENING, ZARYA MOONWOLF!" Kaos squawked over her screams as his mechanical wings let out sharp daggers; their aim being the screeching twelve-year-old.

Before Zarya could comprehend what was happening to her, the turquoise-eyed girl felt a tightening grip on her throat as her bones ached from the storm that erupted in her body. Zarya's throat burned as her arms and legs grew more feeble, the voices that surrounded her seemed to die down as she heard a deafening ringing that threatened to shatter her eardrums. Zarya's nails grew longer as black veins began to crawl up her pale skin. The strap that once held her signature ponytail now fell out of her hair as the short strands rested on her shoulders. Blood streamed down her face as she held her hand up in the sky, producing a vile screech as lightning and thunder clapped behind her. Her eyes rolled back as her hair now rested on her shoulders, her muscles aching as blood ran from her nostrils.

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