Chapter 3: Initiation

Start from the beginning

Adam was flying through the air and slowly heading towards the ground, eventually when he landed he started running in a random direction hoping to find a fellow student he could trust, it would be hell if he was the partner of a schnee. Suddenly, a large growl came from the bushes as two beowolfs jumped out and tried attacking Adam but he quickly dodged out of the way and fired Wilt from Blush, he caught his blade and slashed one beowolf several times which pushed it back, then the other one tried coming from behind but Adam took out Blush and shot the grim dead. 

He then returned his focus to the other one, as it charged at him Adam charged at the grim aswell and and sliced the Beowolf dead. Adam then heard the sound of gunfire and Ursas so he headed in that direction, there he  saw Yang taking on two Ursai with her gauntlets. She was fighting ferociously as her eyes were red, Adam charged at into the fray as Yang killed one Ursa. She then turned to the other one "You want some to?" she asked aggressively but Adam shot the Ursa in the head with blush, killing it "I could've taken it," said Yang "So, I guess we're partners, now," said Adam "Yeah, seems like it," the girl replied.

Adam and Yang made they're way though the forest killing the grimm in they're way, when Adam brutally decapitated a beowolf. An Ursa then jumped towards them but it was dealt with by Yang who then jumped and punched another which tried to charge, before getting back to Adam. They made their way effectively through the forest when Yang decided to make conversation. "So, what's with the hood?" she asked "Personal reasons," Adam grunted not taking his eyes off of their direction "Damn your not much of a talker, are you?" Yang said "We are in a forest filled with Grimm. The second worst thing we can do is get distracted by talking, and then end up dead," the bull replied "Hm, you got a point. But we can handle it," Yang said as they got to the edge of the forest.

The two walked out and into the ruins, they looked around and found the artifacts. "Chess pieces, weird choice for relics," said Adam as they looked around "It looks like some others have already been here," said Yang as they looked around more, she then looked at one relic and picked it up "How about a cute little pony?" "Sure," replied Adam, they then both walked up to each other "Well that was easy," said Yang "Yeah," grunted Adam, suddenly from the forest, an Ursa major's head flew out as Rouge and a Bat faunus followed "Yuma?" asked Adam "Hey, my man Adam. Fancy seeing you here," replied Yuma "You guys know each other?" said Yang "Yeah, we both worked together in an old faction we were in," said Adam, suddenly a loud scream was heard all over the forest "Some girl's in trouble," said Yang "Adam, did you hear that?" Adam nodded as they looked around, suddenly they heard another voice "Heads up!!!!" as the resident little reaper dropped down from the sky only to get knocked into the trees by a flying Jaune.

"The hell? Did Ruby just fall out of the sky?" asked Adam surpised "I," suddenly an Ursa charged out of the forest but when a pink explosion killed it, it then revealed there was girl riding the Ursa "Yeeehahhh!" shouted the girl "Ah, broken," she said as she inspected her kill while a boy with Black hair and a streak of pink followed "Nora, please, don't ever do that again," he said, suddenly Nora dissapeard and was standing in front of a relic "Ohhhh," she picked it up then sang "I'm Queen of the castle, I'm Queen of the castle," "Nora!" shouted Ren "Coming ren," as she went back to her partner "Was she just riding an Ursa?" asked Adam in dissbelief, suddenly a girl with red hair came running out of the forest while being chased by a Death Stalker, then Ruby jumped down from her tree "Ruby!" "Yang," "Nora!" said the three girls "Did she just run all the way here with a deathstalker on her tail?" again  Adam asked in dissbelief "GRRR, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE, COULD EVERYONE JUST CHILL OUT FOR TWO SECONDS BEFORE SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENS AGAIN!" shouted Yang causing eveyone to shut up "Damn Adam, it seems you have some compitition in being the scariest in your team," said Yuma "We'll see about that," muttered Adam "Umm Yang," said Ruby as she pointed to the sky where Weiss was holding onto a nervemore "Oh you got to be kidding me," said Adam "How could you leave me?" said Weiss "I said jump," replied Ruby "She's gonna fall," said Rouge "She'll be fine," said Ruby "She's falling," said Ren "Good," Adam muttered. 

Suddenly as Weiss was falling down to the ground Jaune jumped out from the trees and tried to save her "Just dropping in," he said "Godammit Jaune," said Adam Facpalming but then Jaune realised he was in the air and they both fell down with Jaune hitting the ground first and Weiss landing on his back "My hero," she said sarcasticly "My back," replied Jaune while Pyrrah was being chased by the death Stalker.

Eventually, the death Stalker knocked Pyrrah to where the rest are "Great, the gangs all here, now we can die together," said Yang "Not if I can help it," "NO!" said Ruby before Adam cut in and stopped Ruby from going anywhere "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" he asked "We'll need strategy to take that thing down," "He's right, none of us can take a death stalker of that size on they're own," said Ren, but then the deathstalker ran into all off them knocking them in different directions. 

Adam was the first to recover as he jumped up "Alright, time to put this scorpian down," he said as he fired Wilt out of blush and fought the Grimm head on  as he slashed and shot and stabbed at the Grimm, Ruby came and backed him up by going for the tail with her Scythe "Your free to join, any time," said Adam as he and Ruby both got knocked back. While Adam was on the floor the Deathstalker went after him but he was saved as the grimm was then frozen in ice by Weiss. 'She saved me' Adam's said in his thoughts, her eyes looked back at him before returning to the group, Adam was still in slight shock that a Schnee just saved him before grunting and goinf back to the group.

"Guys, that thing is circling us," said Jaune "There's no sence in dilly dillaying then, our objective is right in front of us," said Weiss "She's right, our mission is to Grab an artefact and return to Beacon, there's no point in fighting these things," said Ruby "So run and live to fight for another day, that sounds great," said Jaune, Yuma and Rouge had already grabbed they're artefacts and were now joining up with two other faunus, a wolf faunus and a deer faunus, as they tried leaving, they were attacked by three ursai and an ursa major. "Uh, guys, we have an ursa major," said Rouge as the ursai attacked. Yuma was using his new knife weapons and revovler while flying about, while Rouge was using his claw arm and Wrecker to attack, Yang fired her gauntlets at the ursai while Ruby and Adam went in with they're blades out to aid they're allies. Ruby killed one by decapitating it while Yuma and Adam killed another with they're guns to it's head, Rouge and the deer faunus then completly destroyed the last normal ursa, leaving the major left.

Adam, Yuma, Yang and Ruby fired they're guns at the major distracting it while Rouge ran towards it with his prosthetic fist clenched, he then staretd glowing a dark brown as he dealt a devastating punch to the major's head, completly shattering it "Holy hell," said the Wolf faunus "Come on guys, let's get moving," Ruby as the three teams ran towards beacon but the nevermore wasn't done yet.        

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