Part 1

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No one knew how it happened. It wasn't even possible to think of such an event. But they did it anyway. For the amusement of everyone in the Afterlife, including themselves, if, of course, an indescribable shock can be called that.

Life and Death became parents.

No. They didn't just find some baby somewhere or steal one. They exactly made their own kid.

When it comes to the children of Life, which are all mortals and other earthly creatures, no one even listens. Here everything is very clear, boring and ordinary. But when Death was involved in this deal, then the matter took an interesting turn.

Of course, he got the most questions. Edgy questions. About this very thing, right. But he never confessed to anyone how he did it there. Perhaps Life has worked for two. And literally overworked, as a result.

No one will ever know.

In any case, what has happened cannot be turned away — the two strongholds, the earthly Alpha and Omega, the irresistible, merciless and boundless forces, had a son.

During birth, however, there was a problem — the baby was born not dead and not alive. Which, honestly, was no wonder, with such relatives.

The little boy was heartless — just like his mother.

And with his face, he took after his father — a smooth, shining skull with cunningly narrowed eye sockets was as if created to sell it to someone's collection and put it on the shelf.

In general, some fright turned out. Life often, frankly speaking, had nonsense came out instead of the usual things, — maybe because of her inattention, maybe because of her perverted tastes, or maybe even out of interest, — but who would have thought that their own child would turn out to be like this.

For a long time, the couple decided what to do with such a baby — he hadn't yet spoken, but already looked at the world as if he wanted to do something with it today or tomorrow. And not in a good way.

Despite Life's great love for all her creations and the same Death's great composure, they were afraid of their son and hoped that one day he would simply not respond for their call. Although, they didn't even give him a name. After all, it isn't clear what will happen to this brat next. And if he becomes a completely different being and doesn't match his name? It would be such a disgrace.

Other Horsemen who used to be just as interested in Life herself became very interested in her sonny as well. And the spouses, to the surprise of each of the Messengers, offered them a barter — Death and the Reapers get a whole year without catastrophes and other incidents, and the Horsemen can instead take the child for their vague purposes, but with the condition that the boy first needs to be raised and educated.

And the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, for some reason, refused this offer.

Yes, Life and Death turned out to be shoddy parents. But don't blame them — they knew that no one would want to live with this creature, it was worth staying with him for at least an hour, and even if at least one of the Horsemen agreed, he would soon regret it and returned the kid back with thousands of apologies. They themselves didn't want to, but the burden of parental responsibilities forced them to babysit a completely uncontrollable monster, and this despite the fact that they both still had to do their main job.

They were bad parents, you can't say anything. But they still deserved applause then and a low bow — now.

The son grew up and was full of ambitions. Neither his mother represented authority for him, nor his father. Which, for some reason, was expected. Just as it was expected that he would live for more than one century, which means that he would be just as immortal.

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