weed wacker, paper stacker

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The morning had only just begun to stirr from the dark clouds in the sky, so when you drove into the parking lot it was pretty dim with the glow of the neon signs brightening your way. Your coworkers goofed off with your and complained about some nasty customers, too. As they day droned on, your boss was such a bitch that she let all of the peoples on night shift take sick days -how lucky- you were still in the kitchen so you got too stay for the rest of the work day. You started morning shift at 5 am but you had to start your commute to work at 4 am. And you covered for Aimee, after your shift ended. But now you are questioning your decisions in the past few hours because your were given the option to stay or to go hungry in the streets. So you stay despite the migraine given to you by nearly 12 Karen's during the rush hour and you mega bitch boss.

You start closing the shop and take a lil drink on your way out.

"Aw Fuck yeah babe got a mf cherry limeade"

you wanted a slush but the machine had been broken for like a millennia. The diner you worked at was quite literally ancient. The dim parking lot was tinted red and blue from the colossal neon beacon towering a ways above the diners slanted roof. You were walking over a chasm of purple asphalt when you heard screeching tires glaze over the same surface. Hurdling towards you was a small Pt cruiser with flames painted on the doors and gold rims that nearly blinded you because it had its Brights on blast. Now you were extra annoyed because your assumes this asshole was trying to order some special way. But they just sped past u and soon follows a loud crunch and then a bang. You got towards the back of the diner to investigate.

The cruiser is totaled. You peek inside to see your boss hunched forewords bleeding from their front side.

" Hey boss, ill call the ambulance don't worry since I love you and my work so much you are my favorite boss in the whole work loooovvveeee yoouuuuuu. Stay in there, queen don't become deceased!!!"

I hope she becomes deceased 💀

Damn wildest decision but you kinda want to leave her there. Hey gotta be cruel to be kind. But right as you start to zoom back to your car.......

You hear a voice coming from the crumbling round arbitrary transportation device.

"NO Don't worrrrry gurl! Im totally tubular!"
- now this sounded weird to you she never really talked to you like this. She only talks like this when she was pretending you were besties to get something from you.

"Uh, but weren't you like bleeding profusely or something??"

"Pfft, nah. Not even. Im 100 % fine babe!"
You look back to see her trying to maneuver herself out of the et pooser, she sloppily stumbles and twists and cracks.

"really dude you look like you are in the process of death."
You say, and as you examine her front-half closer, you see the exact same type of incision as the one on the bat in your front porch. It ran down from her chin to the bottom of both of her thighs. You really don't think shes okay.
"Hey bitch how bout we ditch work and go partyyy?"
She slurred through her parted bottom lip, slowly approaching your position by the dumpster. You step backwards, your body makes a 'thud' onto the dumpsters side, feeling as if your whole spirit is being transferred into the garbage itself. As she moves forward, you see her trip on her own skin, revealing her insides that were hanging together with barbed wire and tied together in knots.

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck

"Ma'am this is the most horrifying night of my life" 

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