The demon(?) crossed her arms and glared at Jennie, who was still confused. "Aren't you going to say something?" She said, her voice is deeper than Jennie thought.

"I- Well- Uhm-" The brunette stuttered.

"Oh I- Well you know- Uh- Uh- Say it!" The demon mocked. She sat down on Jennie's bed, cringing at the creak it made.

"You're... a demon, right?" Jennie asked. The demon rolled her eyes. She must've thought something along the lines of "Wow, what a fucking stupid question. Of course I'm a demon, you were the one that summoned me!"

"Right... sorry. So, uhm, I'm Jennie. The reason I summoned you is... I need money. Like, really badly. I don't have enough to pay for rent, the bills, and food!" The brunette pleaded for help, going as far as begging on her knees.

"Wait wait. You want me to help you with money problems?" The demon only looked at Jennie as if she was an idiot (she probably looks like one right now, though).

"Yeah? Aren't you a demon that could help with financial problems?" Jennie was confused. More confused than she has ever been in her entire life. She watched as the demon slapped her forehead.

"Human. I'm not a demon that bothers with such minor issues," The demon sighed before continuing. "I'm a demon that embodies the sin of Wrath, I do not focus on money. It appears you might have summoned the wrong demon."

"WHAT?!" Jennie shrieked. She spent a lot of money on those stupid candles and salt, and she summoned the wrong demon?! This was the worst day in Jennie's life, she was this close to ending it all right then and there.

"I... didn't summon a demon that deals with money..?" The brunette grabbed her crumpled notes and read them again before realizing the dumb mistake she made. She said the wrong name. So now, she has no money and is stuck with a demon that could kill her at any point.

"You need to focus on better handwriting. I can't believe I was summoned here for no reason, ugh." The demon stood up, creating a portal to go back to Hell. Right before she jumped in, she heard sobbing.

She froze.

Hearing the human's sobs and whimpers made her feel weird. It was something she had never experienced before. It was a feeling that she hated. The demon turned around to see Jennie curled up, hiding her face behind her hands.

The demon was confused about what to do. It's not like she ever had to deal with a hysterical human before. She slowly approached Jennie, kneeling down.

"Are you... okay?" She asked. Jennie only shook her head.

"Is it because you don't have any money?" The brunette nodded. The demon sighed. The only way to summon a demon into the human realm is through a ritual, and clearly, Jennie didn't have the things she needed for one.

It's not like she could just call her friend here. There were two options for her, either she leaves the human behind or she tries to help her. Normally, the demon in her would just tell Jennie to suck it up and go back home where she could rest and play games all day.

But this time, she felt different. What did the humans call this again? Was it compassion? Whatever it was, she felt a desire to help Jennie out in any way she can.

"Hey, it's alright. I can help you." Finally, the brunette looked up and faced her.

"Really?" Jennie sniffled, wiping her tears away with her hand.

"Yes." The demon nodded. "I'll help you earn some money." She helped Jennie up and sat her down on the bed.

"Even though you're not a demon that does that?"

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