Stray Cat Pt. I

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A/N: Art by @/@Blackpink_OoO on Twitter


It was well after midnight when Jisoo was awakened by rustling that came from downstairs. She wa sure it wasn't her mind playing tricks on her, as even Dalgom woke up as well. Confused, the Maltese dog jumps down from the bed and scratches the door, wanting to go down to check.

The raven gulped, could it be a robber? Or worse, a kidnapper? Jisoo grabs her phone as a flashlight and a golf club that she bought to play golf with the rest of her family as a self-defense weapon. It wasn't ideal, because if this was indeed a criminal, they would probably knock her out with a single chop to the neck or just shoot her.

Either way, Jisoo was not one who just surrenders. She tells Dalgom to be quiet, and the dog lets out a small woof. She opens the door as quietly as possible, and the raven steps out, Dalgom trailing behind her. They walked downstairs while Jisoo turns on the flashlight, scanning the living room first.

She heard more rustling and immediately stopped. It definitely came from the kitchen. Jisoo could hear her dog letting out a small growl, and quickly shushed him before the intruder could notice.

Jisoo tiptoes over, hiding in a corner, waiting to ambush the robber who was looking through her fridge (probably), most likely stealing her milk cartons. The raven turns off her phone before jumping out from hiding and turning on the lights, catching the intruder off guard.

"HA! I GOT YOU CORNERED NOW!" Jisoo holds her golf club tighter, only to realize that the so-called robber/kidnapper was just a cat. The raven quirked an eyebrow, before realizing that one of the windows was open. That must be how the cat got inside.

Before she could do anything, Dalgom barked loudly, scaring the cat. Jisoo's dog began to chase the cat that ran to the living room.

"WAIT DALGOM-" Jisoo tried to go after them, but the cat zoomed past the raven and jumped out of the open window where it came from. Dalgom continued barking, warning the cat to never come into their house ever again.

Jisoo sighed, "This is why I never bring you whenever I'm going to Lisa's." The raven picked Dalgom up and walked back to her bedroom. "I must've accidentally left that window open." She puts down the Maltese dog on her bed before going back down to close the window.

Hopefully, no cat will disturb her beauty sleep again.


It rained heavily on Saturday, and Jisoo was watching a movie on her TV with some popcorn while her dog was peacefully asleep upstairs. Normally, the raven would bring him with her but she really didn't want to wake him up.

A loud thunder suddenly struck and the raven jumped, popcorn falling everywhere on her couch.

"God dang it!" She groaned. Placing the bowl of popcorn on the table, she picks up the fallen pieces one by one when suddenly Dalgom began barking very, very loudly.

"Huh? What's going on?" Jisoo went to the trash can, throwing the popcorn away before she ran upstairs, worried as she heard her dog barking louder and scuffling could be heard as she got closer to the door.

The raven opened the door and was met with Dalgom who immediately ran to her side, another open window (she really needs to remember to close them), and a wet cat that was hissing at him.

Jisoo squinted for a moment before realizing that was the same cat that got in yesterday. Instead of jumping out the window, the cat ran in between the raven's legs, surprising her.

"H-hey! Come back here you!" She ran out of the room to chase the cat, she didn't see where it went but thankfully Dalgom could sniff it out and barked as he ran after the brown tabby cat. Jisoo followed him and was a little confused when her dog stopped in front of the bathroom door that was somehow closed.

City of Love (Jensoo)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें