Haunted House

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"I hate you guys."

"You lost the bet, Jennie! Don't be such a sore loser." The two blonde girls giggled at Jennie's unfortunate situation as they dragged her to the haunted house at the center of the amusement park.

The brunette should've never agreed to bet, she should've known Lisa had a trick up in her sleeves. If only Jennie could time travel, otherwise she would have traveled back just several minutes ago to warn past Jennie "Don't bet with Lisa!".

But here she was, in front of probably one of the scariest haunted houses she has ever seen. The brunette visibly gulped, however that didn't stop the younger girls to drag her inside. The place was dimly lit, the corridors were small, there were many twists and turns, and the creepy decorations that were everywhere almost made Jennie want to run away.

"Why is it so tight?" Chaeyoung blurted out, not realizing how the seemingly innocent sentence could've been taken in the wrong way.

"That's what she said," Lisa whispered to herself, chuckling.

The three girls continued walking through the corridors. As they walked past by, suddenly a human-like corpse dropped down from the ceiling and even hit Chaeyoung's head, the three girls screamed and started to run.

They ended up at an intersection as the singular path split into two and, without noticing it, Lisa and Chaeyoung went to the right while Jennie went to the left, all alone. The brunette didn't even realize the other two left her alone until her adrenaline disappeared.

"Lisa... Chae... Wow, that was... intense, and I don't think we're even halfway through this place yet..." Jennie laughed (nervously) only to realize that she was alone.

"Lisa? Chaeyoung?" The brunette started to panic, she looks around but finds no one. Not even the scare actors, she was alone in a dark corridor surrounded by decorations of corpses and spiderwebs.

"Oh no... they're long gone by now..." Jennie started to shake as she slowly walked through the corridors alone. Even the smallest noises such as metal clanking or random creaks appearing as she stepped on the floor scared her.

Jennie comes across another intersection again, hoping to see her friends again she decides to take the right path but sees something on the other path. It was quite hard to make out, especially since the brunette's vision is just worse when it's dark, but it looked like someone stepping closer to her holding something.

"Hello?" Jennie managed to say. One side of her is saying that that's another customer, but the other side is telling her that it's another scare actor coming right at her.

The brunette's eyes widened as she hears a chainsaw being revved up, and the figure started to run at her. Jennie screamed and started running back to where she came from. She turned her head around to get a better glimpse and that was probably the second biggest mistake Jennie has ever made.

The actor had a pretty convincing (and terrifying) clown makeup, a red wig, and is definitely chasing after Jennie, trying to kill her with that chainsaw which the brunette doesn't even know if it's real or not.

"WAIT WAIT STOP PLEASE!" Jennie couldn't run anymore and was exhausted, she tries to negotiate with the killer clown.

"Please d-don't kill me..." The brunette fell on her knees as actual tears started to fall down, confusing the actor.

"I-I-I just w-wanna go home!" Jennie starts to bawl her eyes out, folding herself into a fetal position, not even caring that she was crying in front of a complete stranger.

"Oh- Um..." The actor spoke, obviously confused as to what they should do in this situation. The brunette was slightly surprised at the kind of voice the clown had, but that was the least of her concerns right now.

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