Chapter 16

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     After a few more minutes, you all arrive at the cabin. You unlock the door, holding it open as everyone shuffles inside.

     You follow them in, as the wind slams the door shut. Your hair is blown a bit in every direction, your cheeks are bright red, your teeth are chattering, and your hands shake slightly. "Well, we certainly picked a great day to hop a train."

     Everyone nods and laughs, and you blink the cold out of your eyes. "Ok, everyone have a seat, warm up, and I'll start cooking some food." You slip off your shoes at the door, stepping over the others, your feet numb with the cold.

     Steve stands up, catching your arm as you search through cupboards. "Hold on, Y/n, I think you should have a break, warm up a bit. You were the most underdressed for the weather."

     You shake your head, trying to stop your hands from shaking. "I-I'm fine. Really." Steve doesn't let go, looking unconvinced. You turn to Bucky. "Bucky, can you tell Steve that I'm fine?"

     Bucky comes over to you, and you don't even notice Steve letting you go. "Doll, I think he's right. You look like you're freezing." Before you can protest, he guides you over to the couch, sitting you down. "Have a rest, warm up, and let us boys take care of everything."

     You shake your head. "I don't know..."

     Bucky smiles playfully. "We can handle some cooking. Right guys?"

     "Yeah!" All the guys chorus together, which sounded extra suspicious to you.

     You shake your head. "Ok, ok, fine. But if any of you burn down this cabin..."

     The men laugh, and you sigh, laying down on the couch, still shivering. Bucky smiles, happy to have won the disagreement. "I'm going to get you a blanket."

     You give up protesting, nodding as you shut your eyes. A few seconds later when Bucky returns, you're fast asleep. Bucky smiles, covering you up with the fleece blanket, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.

     You vaguely hear the others talking in the kitchen, before they quiet down, as you hear Bucky whisper to them. After that, you hear nothing, as you slip into quiet unconsciousness.

     When you wake up, you see the early light of dawn peaking through the dark windows. You sit up slowly, yawning widely and stretching your arms, realizing you still wear Bucky's jacket. You hear some chatter and laughter coming from the kitchen, so you stand up, turning the corner.

     You see all the boys sitting around the table, drinking coffee, playing cards, and talking. You smile, walking in. "I see you all are in prime condition to hop an enemy train today!"

     They all look up. "Ahh, the princess has awakened!" Rowan exclaims, with a wide grin.

     You roll your eyes as you walk around the counter to the coffee pot, and the guys laugh. Bucky smiles at you. "Did you have a good sleep, doll?"

     You nod. "I feel like I slept for ages. How long was I out for?"

     D.J checks the clock. "5 hours. Jesus, ages? You must be sleep deprived."

     You laugh. "I work for HYDRA, I'm lucky to get 5 on a normal day."

     Rowan shrugs. "Ok, fair enough."

     You check the cupboard, before groaning. "Did you guys drink all the coffee?"

     You turn to look at the guys, who try to look as inconspicuous as possible. Steve casually places his arm in front of his empty cup, while D.J looks out the window after sliding his cup in front of Bucky, who whistles a super inconspicuous tune. You roll your eyes again. "Fine. I GUESS you guys might need it more than me."

     They laugh, and you grab your chocolate bar, sitting down at the table as you eat a piece off of it. "Now, how many of you guys have been zip lining before?"

     Bucky chokes on his coffee, and the guys stare at you in shock. "What the hell? Zip lining?"

     "I'm assuming by that comment, and all of your facial expressions, that the answer is none of you."

     Rowan looks at you in astonishment. "Why do you ask this, exactly?"

     You shake your head, eating another piece of chocolate. "I'll explain later. Anyways, I have to get some stuff ready. Be right back." Before they can say anything else, you stand up, taking your chocolate bar with you into the spare rooms.

     You come back a few minutes later, arms loaded with clothes. "Ok, we have," you begin setting out clothes in piles on the counter, "some for Rowan, D.J, John, Steve, and Bucky."

     You look up at them and shrug. "I don't know if any of these will fit, you guys can figure out sizes and stuff. There's water hooked up, so you guys, feel free to take a shower, get ready to go, whatever. I just need to get supplies ready, we should leave the cabin in about an hour. Any questions?"

     The men don't say anything, and you smile. "Perfect. Well, let's get to it, shall we?" You put your hands on your hips, laughing as they grab clothes, arguing over shower lineup.

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