Chapter 2

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     It is now 12 years later, during WWII, you are now 18. You live at the Hydra base, as Pierce sort of adopted you.

     You walk through the dimly-lit hallways, leading to Pierce's office. You nod towards the men at the door, and they let you inside. You walk inside, taking quiet, light steps as you approach him.

     "Привет (Hello), Mr. Pierce."

     He turns around to face you, smiling. "Привет. Thank you for coming to see me, Y/n. I have a new task, an important one, too."

     You straighten your shoulders. "Yes, sir. What is it?"

     He nods, and gestures for you to follow him. You walk behind him quickly, as he talks. "We have a new mission, that is currently in the works. Of course, with Hitler gone, now we are in charge."

     You nod as he continues. "We have, let's say, taken in some of America's soldiers. One of them is going to be tested on, and I need you to go talk to him before it happens, possibly... persuade him into being compliable."

     You nod as he stops in front of a door. "Yes, sir. I will do the most possible."

     He smiles. "Great. Head on in, and you can report back to me later tonight."

     With that, he leaves you at the door. You grab the handle, take a deep breath, then head inside. Your eyes quickly adjust to the darkness of the hallway, and you see a man, the subject, as you approach the cell. You stop outside of the cell, looking at him. "Your full name, please?"

     He looks at you with a quizzical expression. "And who might you be?"

     You laugh, folding you arms as you walk around the outside of the circular cell. "Actually, I asked you first, so I believe I can be expecting the answers first."

     He laughs as well. "Come on, doll, you look like your 18."

     You stop pacing to smirk at him. "I am 18, so watch who you're calling 'doll'. Now, please tell me your full name."

     He nods, eyebrows raised in surprise. "James Buchanan Barnes."

I promise the chapters will get longer

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