Chapter 5

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     The next morning, you wake up at your usual time of 6 o'clock. You finish getting dressed, when there is a sharp knock on your door. You open it, and see a guard there.

     You nod. "Привет (hello), what do you need?"

     He nods curtly. "Привет. Pierce wishes to see you in the experiment room, immediately."

     You nod. "Alright, thank you."

     He leaves, and you grab your bag and head downstairs to the experiment room.

     You get to the experiment room, and see Pierce inside. You enter, nodding to him as you do so. He nods towards you, and when you look up, you gasp.

     You see Bucky sitting in the chair with the levers and dials, with the serum injection bag hooked up to the machine. You see one of the guards preparing the dosage, getting the needles ready.

     Pierce looks at you with a slightly amused expression. "Something troubling you, Y/n?"

     You shake your head quickly, as you and Bucky make eye contact. "N-no sir."

     He gives a satisfied look. "Good. Then let's get on with it, shall we?"

     The guards nod, and flip a few of the switches. One makes sure that Bucky is secured on the chair, while the others turn on the machine.

     Pierce and the other guards step back, and you stand beside him, terrified to watch.

     The machine whirs to life, lights flashing as the metal pads press onto Bucky's chest. You see his breathing gets faster, and his body tenses as the blue liquid begins to drain from the tubes, and enter his body. Sweat glistens his bare chest, and his breathing becomes even faster.

     He begins shouting in pain as more of the serum enters his veins, sweating more. Bucky's body begins trembling, overwhelmed by the serum.

     You shut your eyes tightly, praying to God someone will stop the machine. You keep your eyes closed, trying to block out Bucky's shouts of pain.

     After a minute or so, you are about to tell Pierce to shut it down, when the machine, and Bucky's shouting stops. The room goes silent, and all that you hear is your own heart racing, and Bucky's heavy breathing. You force open your eyes, and see Bucky laying limply in the chair, breathing heavily as sweat covers his body.

     Pierce walks over to Bucky, walking around the chair. He folds his arms. "Up, Barnes."

     Bucky attempts to stand up, only to double over, obviously in pain. One of the guards makes a start towards him, but you race over to Bucky before the guard gets there.

     Ignoring Pierce's glares, you bend over beside Bucky, and put his arm over your shoulder. You whisper to him as you help him sit back down on the chair. "Hey, I've got you. Are you okay?"

     He nods weakly, giving you a small smile. You smile back, before turning back to see Pierce looking impatient. "I said up, Barnes."

     Before Bucky can say or do anything, you narrow your eyes at Pierce. "He obviously can't stand up right now, because of the serum, that was not ready to be used yet."

     Pierce drops his hands to his sides, his face oddly calm. "Y/n, I'm going to give you one chance, and one chance only, to go back over to the side, where you belong, and let me deal with the subject."

     You put your hands on your hips. "No! Pierce, the serum made him weaker, can't you see that? Why don't you understand that-"

     He cuts you off. "Y/n, my patience is running thin. I will not be as merciful if you keep disobeying me."

     You are about to protest again when you feel a hand on your arm. You turn and see Bucky standing up slowly beside you. He whispers to you. "Hey, Y/n, it's ok. It's not worth it to argue." He stands up all the way, wincing slightly. "Yes, Pierce?"

     Pierce smirks. "Thank you. Finally, someone is being smart around here."

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