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{No One's POV}

Magic. The product of fairy tales that were thought to be only remain as a fantasy but thanks to further discoveries within the 21st Century, it was now synthesized into real technology.

However despite this greatest breakthrough in human history, in the year 2030 the food supply started dwindling down and became scarce. This great world famine occured in the deep freeze, a time in the Earth's history where it's temperature suddenly cropped causing an almost sixth ice in the world. Due to the problem, many conflicts broke out for energy supplies.

Then the greatest and most unwanted event to happen, in the year 2045, came to reality, World War III. Earth's population plunged down to three billion. The reason that prevented this war turning into a thermonuclear one was due to the global solitary of the world's magic technicians.

But many soldiers in the Federal Republic of Soviet didn't want to die while some accepted their fate for honor. Then a company emerges out of nowhere in the middle of the great conflict, a Private Military Company. It was named as Griffin and Kryuger founded by former Ministry of Internal Affairs officer Berezovich Kryuger and Rossartrist agent Griffin Lyons in the year 2053.

 It was named as Griffin and Kryuger founded by former Ministry of Internal Affairs officer Berezovich Kryuger and Rossartrist agent Griffin Lyons in the year 2053

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While another PMC emerges yet again but this time it's name is Sangvis Ferri. But instead of being founded by humans, it was created by an AI named Elisa.

The first five years, both companies got hold of the monopoly in making T-Dolls and Machine units that are made for war, a piece of technology that was discovered way back then during the 20th Century

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The first five years, both companies got hold of the monopoly in making T-Dolls and Machine units that are made for war, a piece of technology that was discovered way back then during the 20th Century. Conflicts happened between the two companies until the Butterfly Incident happened.

 Conflicts happened between the two companies until the Butterfly Incident happened

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