1. The letter

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He walks in slowly. He takes
one look at her and his heart
falls in his stomach. She
looks just like Albus, the
eyes and everything. She
even has his gentle face.
She looks up, noticing him.
"Hello, Mr. Potter." She even
sounds like him.
"You can
call me harry Ms.
Dumbledore." "And you can
call me Selwyn." She studies
his face,
"sit down."
He does. He grows sad. He
wonders if she misses him as
much as he does. 
"What do you need Harry." She asks gently. He looks up at her, not sure how she'll react to what he's going to tell her but she's all he's got right now. "Your...cousin gave me a...task. One that will defeat he who must not be named. He...he told me if I needed help to find you. He gave me this..."  He hands her a letter, one that she had never got the chance to read. She unfolds it slowly.
I know this may never reach you but I need to do this both to clear my own head and if by chance this does reach you, I want you to know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't help you when you needed it most.  I'm sorry what happened happened and I both didn't and couldn't stop it. You didn't deserve any of that and I sat back and did nothing. Before everything happens, and the war gets even worse than it already is, I want you to know that I'm sorry and I love you.
Albus Dumbledore."
Harry watches her as a tear falls down her cheek. "Selwyn...?" He says softly. She looks up to face him, a sad look in her eyes. They look at each other for a few seconds without speaking. "What do you need my help with Harry?" "He...Dumbledore said you would know where one of the horcruxes are." She stiffens. He notices something on her face, a scar. Not one like his but one caused by a physical altercation of some sort. He wonders not for the first time what her past consists of. Dumbledore was never clear with him on what exactly happened to her. She brings him back to reality by folding her hands onto the table. "I will tell you, but you have to promise me you'll be extremely careful." She looks into his eyes. "I promise." She holds out her hand for him to shake. He shakes it gently. She hands him a piece of paper. "Harry, I want you to come back here when you are done, alright?" "Alright, I will." He turns to leave, taking one last look at her before he does. She gives him a soft smile and he returns it.

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