What's ur name again?

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As Leo Piper and me are walking off the bus this kid that Leo called Dylan keeps teasing me and it's really getting on my nerves, like really I just want to punch him in the face. As we walk to the Grand canyon watching area Leo keeps taking apart and putting back together some metal thing from his bag and the metal clinking is giving me a headache and ugly face- sorry Dylan is making fun of Leo for it.

When Dylan says "Wow that girl right there is prettier than you'll ever be Piper." Dylan and that made me stop in my tracks, how DARE he say that about Piper she is one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen so not being able to take it anymore I say to Dylan "Don't make fun of Piper because she is one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen if not the prettiest girl I've ever seen so shut your mouth PODEX!" I scream the last word which is weird I didn't know I knew Latin and I didn't think I was gonna curse but hey ya learn something new everyday.  He's obviously taken back by my sudden unexpected outburst and now all our class is looking at us "Ohh look little Percy can speak another language." Dylan says and some people laugh "Yeah I do you do to just you speak a language you made up called 'stupid' cause' it's named after you." I say with a smirk and everyone in the class laughs at Dylan. "Come on little boy let's go a few rounds" Dylan says while squaring up that's when coach hedge stepped in "As much I wanna see that cupcakes we still have to go through our tour." Coach hedge says we start following the coach while sight seeing.

"Hey Percy thanks for standing up for me to Dylan like that." Piper says while smiling "Yeah he was acting like a total podex" I say back "Dude what's a podex?" Leo says "Your so dumb Leo it means 'asshole' in Latin." Piper says "Yeah Leo catch up your more behind than your grades right now." I say "Ouch Perce that hurt right here." Leo says while pointing to his heart. Me and Piper chuckle at that.

That's when a girl screams "OMG THERES A DEAD BIRD ON THAT LEDGE OMG OMG OMG!" A girl from our class screams that's when a boy from our class says "Rela stop screaming your such a scardy cat" YES another name now I know 4 names, wow there's like 29 of us I know 4 people's names.

Nice shirt chapter next chapter will be longer than normal I think I need to reread the book to know how to make the fight for Percy I guess anyway have a good night/day people! :)

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