chapter 1 (thanos)

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Thanos was tired of hearing he was too tightwound, closed-off. He didn't  need anyone- after all he was a sigma male so unlike those cowardish "alpha males". But he was stuck around bozos. His own daughters, dead 1, and android couldn't realize that he was fine alone. He glared at his surroundings, his eyes thick with contempt for his terrible children.

"Howdy there," a voice that sounded sussy like Kid's Choice Award winner, Eddie Murphy, "what's got you looking so glum?"

Grapester growled, "Go away!", his teeth chattering as he looked up to find an ugly father of a mule. 

"My name's Donkey! I'm an alpha male, if you couldn't tell. I assert dominance," he flashed his donkey looking teeth at Thanos. Suddenly Thanos felt sleepy. He looked at his cup. OH NO THE ICE WAS FLOATING. 

"Hahaha I am kidnapping you" donkey shouted marvelously irish jigging. he grabbed thanos and shoved him into his green van that he stole from loded diper and then took him to the hotel room 

oh no there's only one bed??????? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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