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-- Aidan Gallagher --
-- Nicky Harper --
-- Five Hargreeves --

Showing love to mother earth with the person you love

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Showing love to mother earth with the person you love

Aidan Gallagher

-Nothing is much better when you wake up feeling the nice features of the loving earth.

-So to maintain it, you gotta take care of it.

-You and Aidan planned for this. Basically as a date you would clean your town, including the beach, park, highways, etc.

-And you brought your family and his family too.

-Aidan would vlog this as a memory and also inspiration for the viewers to do this also.

-This is not just a one time thing, you too would always have this mindset to remember: When going to dates, it's better to just walk or bike together instead of using cars except when the place is far, second you two wouldn't use any plastics when buying some things, you always keep an eco bag, and you two avoid using electricity that much, I know we always say that we can't live properly without these technologies but trust me you can't live with mother earth being destroyed.

Nicky Harper

-The quadruplets and you had this bonding where every week you will have a clean up drive to the town.

-This is your form of bonding and this bonding is really good since the whole planet earth is getting benefits from it.

-Also this bonding is really making people in the town happy and inspired from you, so they also start doing it.

-And in school you and Nicky would put some posters about mother earth and some things to remember so we can prevent it from destroying it.

-Even though you guys are just at a young age, you are doing something big!

Five Hargeeves

-Oh trust me, Five will even save the earth.

-Every day the whole academy is doing something great for the universe, why? Well because:

-First thing first, instead of being busy with your gadgets you guys would just hang out together. The electricity? Saved. Fun memories with each other? Saved!

-And you guys would stop Klaus from smoking and smoking. It just doesn't help his health, but also the earth:)

-Also you keep Luther from using the airfryer and leave the plug on.

-Grace would always keep reminding us to always use eco bags instead of plastic!


-Lastly, what's fun is when you and Five would recycle some things that can be recycled again, it shows how creative you are and it also shows that you care and love mother earth!


A/N (please read):

This is a very short preference since the important part here is the message I am trying to imply to ya'll.

As you may notice we are hearing some news (especially from scientists) about the issues in our world.

We should be aware of this. We shouldn't ignore this. This is our home, the planet, if we do nothing great to the environment then we receive nothing great from the environment.

Be aware of the current happenings in the world, let's put the other unnecessary things aside.

Let's focus on this, this is very important. Let's start putting some actions, even small actions. It's better to do something small than doing absolutely nothing. You can literally do something, even if it's small, it is still a big impact to earth. So please, start doing something.

Start spreading this, so people will be aware and we will help each other to save our mother

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Start spreading this, so people will be aware and we will help each other to save our mother.

This is really important, I hope everyone will be aware and let's save the earth together.



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