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Danny sighed

"whats wrong?" kurtis asked

"i dont know, im just kinda tired i guess" Danny replied as he rubbed his eyeballs

He was really tired and kind of stressed out with the whole having to get on a train and such.

He just wanted to go to bed, and so he did. He shut his eyes and slumped down in his seat. He was planning on just resting a bit but he ended up falling into a deep slumber.

He slumped over onto Kurtis' shoulder and stayed there.


Kurtis blushed


he didnt know what to do with danny on his shoulder like the way he is. what he really wanted to do was to lay back on him and snuggle his face into danny's warm dark brown hair.

But that would be weird, and also kinda very creepy.
So he held back his urges and just sat back down in his seat.

He loooked out the window of the train. There was a field and some cows in the distance. He watched as there was one cow and then the train zoomed past. And suddenly another cow was in view.

He eventually got bored of just starring at livestock so he called his buddy ol pal, drew gooden

Drew POV omg

I was just thinking about making some yummy hello fresh that was just perfectly proportioned and easy to prepare, when kurtis called.

"Yellow-" I began

"Drew? Oh thank god" he responded on the other line

"Yeah that's me" I said "whats up dude bro guy??"

"Hmm- well it's just..." there was a brief moment of silence "him.." the other line responded in a hushed and shaky tone

"Who the hell is him????" I asked confused

"Dan dan, the Tin Can Man..."

I immediately recognized that he was talking about danny.

"Well what about him?"

"I've never told you this before but I kinda have a ginormous boner- cOUgH cOUgH- uHmm crush, yes crush, on Danny"

"Oh shit wait your gay????" I asked surprised

I always suspected that kurtis May have been gay but he never confirmed it. I saw how he tenderly stared into Danny's eyes and how they flirted sometimes on skype and, for fucks sake a good majority of the time kurtis only calls me about Danny.

"Not exactly loser- I'm bi but yeah I still like dick or something"

The severity of his words are just kicking in. Bi??? Holy crap guy he likes men!!!! I mean hell yeah im supportive like- fuck out my way when you see me, I'm rollin' with the lgbt. But like I   would have guessed. He has always denied any allegations but I could always see some fruity shining through the cracks of the metaphorical closet.

"Oh that's so cool!!" I said because of course- I'm not a dickhead. "So are you like planning to tell Danny your feelings about him?" I ask

"Hmm yeah well the thing is- I'm kinda on this train and he just so happens to be on the same train- so we bump into each other and now he's on my shoulder and I wanna kiss him so bad but I have common human decency and I don't wanna go to jail but holy hell its tempting."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled "well just kinda bond a bit on the train and tell him how you feel at some point on the trip"

"Alright- do I like practice??"

I pondered apon this for a second and decided,

"Nah lmao just kinda do what your gut wants you too"

"Ok- so I just tell him I love him- NO DREW ITS NOT THAT EASY GRR EBARK VRARK"

I giggled "kurtis your so silly- but yeah that's exactly what I'm recommending you do"

"Y-you love me back??" I heard a sleepy deep voice in the other line

"Who the hells that???" I ask

"Shit." Kurtis replies

And then the other line goes silent

Well- my best friend just hung up on me and that's really sad, but you know what's not really sad?? The ad in today's video. That's right fellas this is an ad read.

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