Part 2

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Your POV:

I was waiting by the front doors anxiously for Billie. I still wasn't sure if I was simply having a nervous break or if I actually heard them right. Why didn't they tell me that they were already together? And do they really like me? Maybe they were just meaning in a friendly way. That would make more sense. They are probably just inviting me over because Billie feels bad about me getting hurt when I pushed us out of the way of that car. Yea. That's it. No need to worry anymore about this whole thing. Just try to be yourself and enjoy the night, y/n. You can do this.

While continuing with my mental pep talk I suddenly feel two hands on my waist. Jumping slightly and swirling my head around to meet a pair of devious brown eyes. "Well hey there babydoll. Did I scare you?" Billie teased while removing her hands from my hips and smirking wildly at me. "Oh are you alright? You look flushed sweetheart. Maybe you did hit your head after all. I should get you looked at." Billie's demeanor quickly changed upon taking my state in. Her concerned eyes looked to me worriedly as her hand moved to feel my forehead. I giggled at her over-caring nature and playfully batted her hand away. "I'm fine Billie. I was just getting a little lost in my thoughts that's all. Nothing to worry about, promise." She squinted her eyes at me slightly as if she were trying to catch me lying. "Alright. But I've got my eye on you missy." We both laughed before Billie noticed her driver pull up outside and she nudged me through the front doors.

The town car was incredibly fancy. There was a cooler with expensive looking champagne tipping out of it and a small tv stationed next to it. The leather seats looked to be newly cleaned and detailed while the floor didn't show a speck of dirt. As if no one had ever sat back here before. I was beginning to feel even more out of my element than I already felt being around the two beautiful celebrities.

The car door soon opened revealing a seemingly excited Audrey holding her bag full of clothes and a bouquet of flowers. "So ladies, are we ready to head back to my place?" She hopped in beside me, smooshing me between her and Billie as the driver took off. I tried to calm my heart rate but being this close to the two of them was sending my body into an internal frenzy. 

Audrey leaned over me slightly, placing her hand on my thigh as she got Billies attention. "Did you order the food yet darling?" Billie and Audrey shared a smirk watching as I inhaled deeply with the sudden intimate placing of Audreys hand. Trying to keep my eyes forward as the two exchanged looks. "Yep! It should be there when we arrive." Audrey sat back while nodding her head at Billie. Keeping her hand placed casually on my thigh.

I had chosen to not think too much about this whole thing. Besides, they are together already so I'm sure that this is just how touchy they are with everyone. It's probably just a friendly thing, nothing to be alarmed by y/n. Just stay calm.

That is until Billie moved over me to ask Audrey a question. Now placing her hand on my other thigh and up a little higher than Audreys currently resided. I fought the gasp that threatened to slip past my lips at having both of their hands on me. Billies grip on my thigh being more firm than Audreys. "Sweetheart, do you have that one white wine that I like back at your place?" Billie looks at the blonde actress sweetly. Her face coming within inches of mine as she spoke to Audrey. "Yes, love. I hope you like white wine as well y/n." The two of them shifted their focus to me while squeezing my thigh gently. "Mmhmm." I clenched my jaw slightly with a smile, trying to hide the subtle moan that almost reached my lips.

After another grueling 20 minutes with the two older women taking turns shifting their hands around on my thigh and smirking at each other we had finally made it to Audrey's house. I felt almost relieved to be out of the close confines of the car. Not that I wasn't enjoying the two women's company, it was just that I was liking their subtle touches a little too much.

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