An announcer said over the speaker, "This is an emergency evacuation. Please proceed to your transports. Groups one and two will leave from secure vehicles in the basement. Group three will leave via air support on the roof."

A woman walked up to Bucky and Rosie and handed him her phone before saying, "Mr. Barnes, Mrs. Barnes, it's Karli."

Bucky took the phone, seeing the Flag Smasher logo on the screen and put it to his ear. "Karli?"

Karli, on the other line, spoke in a determined tone. "Aren't you and your wife tired of fighting for the wrong side, Mr. Barnes?"

Bucky scoffed. "Rosie and I've done this before, kid. We know how it ends."

"It doesn't matter if I don't survive this. I'm fighting for something bigger than myself. With all the bodies you've collected, have you ever been able to say the same?"

"You don't think Rosie and I ever fought for something bigger than ourselves? That's all I ever tried to do. That's all Rosie ever tried to do. And we failed twice."


In the midst of his fight with Batroc, Captain America groaned as he fell into a table.


"You think your cause justifies all this death, but in the end, the nightmares won't go away," Bucky said, squeezing Rosie's hand. "You're gonna remember all the ones you killed. Trust me. Don't do this. Don't go down this path."

"If that's how you feel, you and Rosie should sit this one out," Karli told him.

"Well, you know she and I ain't gonna do that."

"Well, thank you. I'm glad you took my call. You've been a big help."

Rosie glanced at Bucky. "You know she was stalling, right?"

Bucky nodded. "Yeah, I know. Damn it!"

Sharon, who was hiding behind a pillar, said, "Seriously, Bucky, Rosie, you two had one job."

"You worry about your guy," Bucky and Rosie shot back.

Bucky climbed onto a motorcycle and glanced at Rosie. "Hop on."

Rosie climbed on behind Bucky, wrapped her hands around his waist, and Bucky drove off.


Sam continued fighting Batroc.

Sharon said over the earpiece, "Well, that's one down."

"How'd you manage that?"

"Mercury vapor, amongst other things. You better speed things up, Sam. The chopper's about to take off."

"Bucky! Rosie!" Sam called.


Bucky and Rosie rode on the motorcycle and he replied, "I don't fly, man. That's your thing. I'm keeping my girl safe."


In the midst of the fight, Sam lost the shield, so he resorted to punching and kicking Batroc. The two grunted and the shield clanked. Sam kicked up the shield, hitting Batroc with it.

Sam threw the shield through a window and said, "Au revoir."

He ran to the window and leapt out, deploying his wings. He caught the shield mid-air and chased after the chopper.

The chopper had barely taken off when the pilot who, after noticing him, tried to avoid him by any means necessary. The pilot nosedived and Sam followed. He avoided the bullets from the chopper and managed to catch it, clinging to the side. Before he could think of his next option, they shot at him from inside and he had to let go.

Sam fell about ten yards back and grunted before saying, "Redwing, see if anyone in there has flight training."

The small red and white drone flew from Sam's pack and zoomed to the chopper. A Flag Smasher on board began firing and Redwing retreated. As soon as he linked to Sam's pack, Sam got the info on the device on his wrist.

The pilot continued trying to shake Sam with little success. Before he could hack into one of the phones on board, one of the NYPD choppers joined the chase and parked right in front. The Flag Smasher blew past the NYPD and sent them into a tailspin, causing Sam to help them instead of going after the Flag Smashers. He sent Redwing to help one of the operators and helped the other, both pulling them out before the helicopter hit the water. He expected to see people running, but instead, saw people clapping. He nodded and took off again, pursuing the Flag Smashers once again.

He flew after a helicopter that had been hit and pulled the pilot to safety on the ground, covering the pilot with his wing for a moment. Sam shot up into the air.


Bucky and Rosie were on the ground, still in pursuit of the Flag Smashers. Their motorcycle came face to face with the Flag Smashers as they cruised forward.

Bucky accelerated and launched the motorcycle onto its front tire, causing Rosie's body to press into him.

The motorcycle hit the stone barriers and the two fell to the ground with a grunt. Rosie managed to roll and be careful. They got up and attacked the male Flag Smasher, each grunting as they attacked.

Karli grunted and stepped out of the vehicle before saying, "We need a diversion. Give them someone to rescue."

"What do you mean?" Gigi asked.

"Light it up."

The car was lit on fire and a man cried, "Help! Help us! Help!"

"Get over here!" a woman yelled.

People screamed and grunted. Bucky kicked at the Flag Smasher attacking him and Rosie. He pulled her up and the two ran to help the trapped people.

Bucky pushed Rosie back and started pulling at the door with his Vibranium arm, groaning with the strain.

"Hold on!" Bucky told the people inside.

"Let's go, get moving," Dovich said.

"Morgenthau!" John yelled as he stalked up. "Let's finish this."

"I didn't mean to kill your friend," Karli told him. "I don't wanna hurt people that don't matter."

"You don't think Lemar's life mattered?"

"Not to my fight. I just want the people on that truck."

John screamed and threw his shield. Karli kicked it with a grunt and it clanked as it hit a billboard before falling to the ground with another clank. Karli put on her mask and ran. He started punching the Flag Smashers.

"We gotta get out of here," a woman inside the truck said.

Bucky grunted as he used his Vibranium arm to smash the lock. He grabbed the handle and his metal arm strained in the process. Rosie watched worriedly, hands clenched together.

"Be careful. I've got you," a man reassured.

"Go. Go!" Bucky ordered as he helped everyone out.

The man turned to Bucky and said, "Thank you for saving us."

"You're welcome," Bucky replied, after a moment's hesitation.

The two ran off to attack the Flag Smashers. Bucky punched one into a fence.

Karli came up behind, swinging a meter she'd grabbed.

"Watch out!" Rosie cried.

Bucky barely managed to avoid getting hit as his Vibranium arm hit a pile of chains. He punched Karli and was kicked back.

He tried using his metal arm to catch himself, but didn't quite make it and fell.

Rosie ran to the edge and cried, "Bucky!" In a split second, she remembered when she and Bucky had from the train while Steve was helpless to do anything.

Bucky stuck a superhero landing, much to Rosie's excitement. A Flag Smasher jumped down, holding a metal beam intended to crush Bucky who managed to put a hand up before it slammed into his head.

Rosie made her way down and said in a menacing tone, "I don't think so." She pulled out a knife and kicked the Flag Smasher back.

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