One Sided

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Five months. The last chapter was in November. I— IM SORRY LMAO. Tbh I've been caught up with other stories and at the time this was just a meh story to me. However, I have a lot of ideas to get to, so hopefully the upload schedule doesn't take months anymore. Uhh, enjoy ig, I really liked this chapter.

"Urg..." Chongyun said. He woke up tired with a headache. He looked around.

"Woah..." He said. Around him was a bunch of empty bowls. He was also laying at someone's house.

"Wait, did I— uhhhh— how did I..." He was saying to himself. This brought back memories to him buying everyone a bunch of food one time and causing a ruckus.

"I did it again!" Chongyun exclaimed.

"Relax, you're fine." A voice said. Chongyun turned to see Xiangling at a door to the room.

"Huh?" He asked.

"You passed out after I made you several bows of spicy noodles." Xiangling explained.

"I ate this many?" Chongyun asked.

"No. It was you and Xingqiu." Xiangling replied.

"Xingqiu?" Chongyun asked. He turned to see Xingqiu also on the floor, asleep. The sound of his name must have woken him, however.

"Uh... I... can I get some water?" Xingqiu asked. Chongyun quickly jumped up.

"Yes! I need some too! I don't want to lose control again!" He exclaimed. The second Xingqiu woke up, Chongyun realized his Yang energy was acting up. However, he didn't even realize that it wasn't Yang energy.

"Alright. Afterwards, clean the bowl and bring it to Wanmin. We need them." Xiangling said. Gouba walked over to the two holding two cups of water. They downed it.

"More!" They both shouted...

After doing dishes, the two took the bowls over to the Wanmin restaurant. After that, they walked over and sat in some shade below a tree. They were silent.

"Now what?" Chongyun asked.

"Good question." Xingqiu replied, nose deep in a book. Chongyun sighed, staring at the ground.

"Hey! That was a sick performance last night man!" A man said, walking by. Chongyun looked up. The man was looking at him. Chongyun looked around for a second.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yes you! You really showed a great time! Thanks!" The man said, walking off. Chongyun stared confused.

"Wait, what exactly happened last night?" Chongyun asked. Xingqiu choked on the air remembering last night.

"W-Well a number of things happened!" He exclaimed.

"Now I remember what I thought last night! Wonderful!" Xingqiu thought sarcastically to himself.

"Was it anything bad?" Chongyun asked. Xingqiu thought for a hard minute.

"N-No." He said.

"That's not reassuring..." Chongyun replied.

"Look, you lost control because I went to get you popsicles, then you went on stage with Xinyan, and you two performed. Then you brought me up there, we broke a law or two, and we had a spice eating competition. Turns out you're good at resisting spices." Xingqiu explained. Chongyun stared at him.

"We broke laws!?" Chongyun exclaimed. Xingqiu laughed.

"I'm only playing! We didn't do anything THAT illegal..." He said. Chongyun stared into his soul...

Yin to my Yang [Genshin Impact] ~ Xingqiu x ChongyunWhere stories live. Discover now