Rock Concert

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Pretty fun chapter. I liked the end especially. Hope you all enjoy!

"Alright, time to get building!" Xinyan exclaimed. They needed to make a stage. Not a big one. Just big enough for one person. (Ps: They're building it by where the alchemy station is at)

"Remember, tonight's the night! Let's get to working!" She exclaimed. Chongyun and Xingqiu were tired of working.

"Want more free food? Help us!" Xiangling shouted.

"How come Hu Tao gets to leave!?" Chongyun complained.

"She has a business. Now, if we work together, we can get this done within an hour." Xiangling explained. Chongyun sighed as he helped. They had a few tools thankfully, and after Xinyan got permission, she was ready.

"This better be a good performance." Xingqiu huffed, hitting nails against the wood. People walked past, seeing them work. Some knew what they were doing, some didn't. However, word spread fast about Xinyan's performance...

"Almost done. Just cover these few holes, and we're finally done." Xingqiu said, helping Xinyan pick up a plank of wood. Chongyun was sitting out, attempting to stop himself from overheating. He watched as he sat in the shade. Xingqiu and Xinyan walked up onto the stage. They set it up, standing over the hole.

"Alright. Nail it in—" Xingqiu was saying before his foot slipped.

"Huh?" He asked, beginning to fall off the stage.

"Xingqiu!" Xinyan exclaimed, going to catch his hand. Xiangling couldn't help. He fell back, ready to hit the ground. Then—

"You good?" Chongyun asked. Xingqiu opened his eyes. All he saw was Chongyun. Was he caught? No. He still hit the ground. No anime-style romance bridal catch. But, Xingqiu stared up at Chongyun.

"Oh, there's a bit of wood on your head." Chongyun said, going to rub it off. Xingqiu quickly smacked his hand away.

"N-No! I'm fine! I can get it myself!" He exclaimed. He backed up against the stage, feeling the wood and dust fall off his head. Chongyun stared at him for a moment. Something was on his mind, and something was on Xingqiu's mind as well. They were completely different. His heart was racing.

"No! There's no way!" He shouted at himself. He sighed.

"Chongyun! Can you help me here?" Xinyan asked, trying to finish up the stage. This broke Chongyun out of his trance.

"Yeah! Coming!" He exclaimed, going to help. Xingqiu stayed seated...

"Finally! Now we're just gonna wait!" Xinyan exclaimed, happy with her makeshift stage. Chongyun sighed as he sat in the shade. Meanwhile, Xingqiu was at Wanmin's. Xiangling was beginning to make a celebration meal for everyone.

"Let's go. They're probably waiting for us." Chongyun said. Xinyan nodded, walking over to Wanmin with him. It was silent on the way there. It didn't take long, being just around the corner and everything.

"Hey! Wait, where's Xingqiu?" Chongyun asked, taking a seat.

"He said he's grabbing something. Just give him a second." Xiangling replied, cooking some food. He and Xinyan took a seat. Chongyun glanced around, looking for Xingqiu. He spotted him walking over. As he approached, they made eye contact. Xingqiu walked past Chongyun and sat on the other side of Xinyan.

"Huh?" Chongyun asked himself. This was unusual. Maybe it was nothing, however, Chongyun didn't compute. Why would Xingqiu, who usually always sits next to him, sit away from him. Chongyun stared at the ground.

Yin to my Yang [Genshin Impact] ~ Xingqiu x ChongyunWhere stories live. Discover now