What a Night

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Sorry for the long wait on this chapter. I've been vibing with other stories more than this one. Sorry. It's just that I haven't gotten to the best part yet, which is soon. Like next chapter. Anyway, two and a half weeks is absurd. Sorry, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

"So..." Hu Tao began. Her, Chongyun, Xiangling, and Xinyan were sitting in Xingqiu's room. They all weren't really doing anything. His brother brought them here as a place to rest. Meanwhile, Xingqiu was coming back with tea. He opened his door.

"Here you all go." He said, holding a tray of tea cups.

"Oo! Yay! Thank you maid!" Hu Tao accepted.

"Hey! I'm not a maid!" Xingqiu shouted.

"You look like one." Chongyun added in.

"You too!?" Xingqiu exclaimed as Xinyan and Xiangling grabbed a cup of tea. Xingqiu sighed.

"I... I do not resemble one!" He said, handing Chongyun his cup of cold tea. Chongyun took it as Xingqiu placed his cup and left the room. There was a moment of silence.

"Who wants to see what he has hidden under the bed?" Hu Tao asked.

"Huh!? B-But that's trespassing!" Xiangling exclaimed. Hu Tao giggled.

"Don't worry. He would never know." She said, cracking over to his bed.

"W-Wait! Boys keep things hidden for a reason! Sometimes, it's for the better to hide them!" Xinyan exclaimed. Chongyun sat there, depressed that that's how they see boys. Hu Tao reached for the blanket overlaying the side of the bed.

"Oh, it's fine. Knowing Xingqiu, I'm sure he's too busy reading to—" She began as she moved the blanket. She quickly stopped speaking as she saw the edges of different books. She quickly went back to where she was sitting down.

"Hu Tao?" Xiangling asked. She sat there, staring at the ground.

"H-Hu Tao!" They all shouted. Chongyun sighed. He knew what those books were.

"Idiots. Those are—" He began before the door opened. Xingqiu was looking at them all strangely.

"Are... are you guys alright?" He asked. Hu Tao nodded vigorously as everyone jumped back away from her. Xingqiu sighed.

"Whatever. Anyway, I'm sure you all need clothes to sleep in, correct?" He asked, holding a bunch of folded sleeping pajamas. They weren't anything special, but you could sleep in them. Everyone took them.

"Great. The maids have just prepared a room for you three. Meanwhile, Chongyun, you'll be sleeping in here—" Xingqiu was explaining before Chongyun blurted out.

"I call the bed!" He shouted...

"You're just salty I got the bed last time." Xingqiu said.

"Shut up! You don't know back pain until you've felt it!" Chongyun exclaimed back at him. He was laying in his bed with all the blankets off of it.

"Heh, knew it." Xingqiu grinned. Chongyun sighed. He sat up.

"I'm not really tired yet." He said. Xingqiu glanced over at him.

"Really? I expected you to be after all that wood carrying. I'm tired." Xingqiu yawned. Thinking about having to carry all the wood back to Liyue sounded like even more tiresome work.

"You're just weak." Chongyun replied. Xingqiu dangled his head.

"I know!" He complained, already making that realization. Meanwhile...

Yin to my Yang [Genshin Impact] ~ Xingqiu x ChongyunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz