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even while we sleep,
we will find you.


16 july, 1968

Again, screams and piercing wails populated Giovanni Mulciber, the first heir's bedroom. Such sound would significantly disturb anyone was in the normal state of mind. Even so, it never seemed that the woman standing beside Delilah had been in the least bit concerned. Although the ten-year-old potential heir was currently experiencing, the lady was grinning. Her mind was swiftly seized by thoughts like light.

Was she insane to believe it was genuinely entertaining?

Was she thinking straight for smiling?

Or was Delilah herself the one who was mentally unsound?

Delilah was aware that if she spoke out in opposition to anything, Giovanni would not have to endure the burden of that additional "discipline."

She opted to continue her sentiments to herself then after.


Delilah responded to the woman who had drawn her attention. She welcomed Lady Kinsley with a polite "Yes."

Tremaine trailed off, "I suppose that serves a lesson—not only for Giovanni, but also for you. Mulciber is a title that was meant to carry the fire, my dear, and that as a member of the household, you are compelled to act in line with your position. Do you understand?"

Delilah closely observed her every move as she spoke, as well as the words themselves as well as the innermost intricacies of her eyes. To her, they all said the same thing.

Your life isn't yours to live for.

With that, the girl can only gulped nervously and nodding in agreement. This earned Delilah a smile from her tutor, as she leaves the girl by the door.



"Try again, Van."

The older's anger soon subsided into a calm demeanor as he saw that it was his younger sister who came to see him. Delilah was swift to close the doors, making sure not to inform anyone that she was with his brother. Even though he was beside her, Giovanni, being Giovanni, maintained his unfriendly and scornful expression.

He quips, "Your Royal Highness, should I do a curtsy?"

Delilah roll her eyes.

"Ah, ah, that's not how a proper woman should act like!" Giovanni mocked Lady Kinsley.

"Stop, you are starting to sound annoying."

"Well, I'm highly impressed how you able to be with that deluded woman for most of your good years.

Delilah responds bluntly, "Well, it's not like I have an alternative.

Giovanni sighs. "Point well taken."

"And so do you." she mentions.

"Yes, but can we avoid discussing it until you stop sounding like a parent?"

As she advances near the water basin and cloth, Giovanni monitored her behaviour as he anticipated what she would do. Delilah caught him just as he was ready to protest by opening his mouth.

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