Just Another Day

429 27 5

Word count: roughly 1000.

It was Monday morning and Enjolras was asleep in his bed, he should be awake by now, but alas he was not. He had had one too many drinks last night and as a result was sure to have a pounding headache when he woke up.

Enjolras often drank his problems away, preferring not to talk. The only person who he spoke about his problems to was his boyfriend, Grantaire. Grantaire didn't even know half of his problems, no one really seemed to know Enjolras' problems except Enjolras himself.

A few blocks away Grantaire was at home, getting ready for school, he had woken up early because Enjolras had sent him a lot of cynical texts last night, when he was drunk, and Grantaire was a little - no a lot scared for his boyfriend.

Grantaire grabbed his school bag and walked out of his house, towards Enjolras'. The walk only took about ten minutes and in those ten minutes Grantaire braced himself for the possible states that Enjolras could be in.

He unlocked the front door of Enjolras' house with the key that Enjolras had given him. Grantaire knew that Enjolras' parents wouldn't be at home, they never were and on the odd occasion that they were at home, he knew that they made his boyfriend's life harder.

Grantaire left his bag on the couch in the living room, since he decided to look for Enjolras there first and immediately went up the stairs to Enjolras' bedroom, but not before getting a glass of water and some painkillers for him. Grantaire saw his boyfriend lying on his bed, still in the clothes he was wearing yesterday. Grantaire sat on the bed, next to Enjolras.

"Enj?" He tried.

"Apollo, you have to wake up baby." Grantaire whispered and shook Enjolras gently.

Enjolras groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"'Taire?" Enjolras asked, his voice hoarse and his throat dry.

"It's me." Graintaire said, stroking his boyfriend's hair. "Can you sit up and take these for me?"

Enjolras did as he was told, but didn't make it to taking the medication as he had to sprint out of his bed and go towards the bathroom. He threw up and Grantaire came and sat with him while he did so. Grantaire also noticed something, bright, angry red scars on the wrists of his Apollo.

"Come on, babe." Said Grantaire and he helped Enjolras back to his bed and gave him the medicine.

"'m hungry." Enjolras said, quietly. There wasn't much need to talk loudly.

"Let's get you some food then." Grantaire replied and the pair walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. On their way down, Grantaire caught a look at the clock on the wall, it read ten past nine. Thankfully for Grantaire and Enjolras the school knew of their relationship and Enjolras' depression and they let the two off most of the time as they only missed school once or twice a month, unless they were sick.

After Enjolras had had some food, Grantaire decided that he needed to ask what Enjolras was thinking last night.

"What happened last night, Enj?"

"I drank." He replied. Grantaire shot him a look as if to say 'are you seriously kidding me? I know'

"Well um, my er, my parents decided to visit." He spat the words out as if they were venom in his mouth. "They decided to teach my that my feelings towards men were sinful, so they decided to give me a nice beating."

Grantaire was puzzled, he couldn't see any bruises and then he realised that they weren't meant to be seen.  Although Enjolras couldn't see, Grantaire's heart was slowly breaking into a million tiny pieces.

"After that, they left, they left me bleeding, hurt and alone. Just another regular day here, then I started thinking, thinking that all the words they had said were true..." Enjolras trailed off.

"What did they say to you?" Grantaire asked, raising his voice slightly as he was beginning to get angry, no one was supposed to hurt his Enjolras and now they had done just that. 

Enjolras didn't respond and instead looked down at his shoes.

"Enj? Enjolras? Apollo?" The tone in Grantaire's voice became more and more desperate each time he tried to reach out to his beloved.

"They, they said that you don't really care about me and that you're just playing me, they said that the rest of our friends just feel sorry for me and will rejoice the minute that they can get rid of me." Enjolras looked to be on the verge of tears, Grantaire didn't doubt that he looked the same. "After that I started to drink and then I shattered a glass and I accidentally cut myself, but it kind of felt good, so I did it again, one for you on either side and then one for each of our friends. Then I kept drinking and I thought about ending it all. My mind was running so fast, the room was spinning and I saw strange patterns and colours. The one thought that kept me alive was you. The thought of you, Grantaire."

Enjolras had tears streaming down his face and so did Grantaire. Grantaire invited his boyfriend into his embrace and Enjolras accepted, finally feeling safe in his arms.

"Your parents are wrong, Enjolras. I. Love. You. Our friends love you. I couldn't imagine my life without my Apollo." Grantaire said.

Enjolras broke away from the embrace and kissed Grantaire and Grantaire kissed back.

"Thank you, 'Taire." Enjolras said and laid his head in Grantaire's lap, the two stayed like that for quite a while and Enjolras instantly fell better. 

"Just promise me one thing." Grantaire said.

"What's that?" Enjolras asked.

"Every time you feel like you want to drink, text or call me instead."

"I'll try, for you, I will try Grantaire." Enjolras said and started to drift off to sleep.

"Goodnight, Apollo." Grantaire said and kissed his boyfriend's forehead.

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