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The man stood still for a moment as if he was studying Hideri. The man then ripped open a vent and jumped in. "Quick, shoot him!" Yelled Shottie. Hideri took a shot but it was too late. The man was deep in the vents. Shhh... if we're quiet we can hear him. Whispered Shottie. As the two lay silent they could hear the subtle bangs of the man in the vents. "He's going downstairs, quickly!" Hideri and Shottie rushed downstairs and locked the door. Soon after the power went off and a loud voice told everyone to turn the generator before emergency power depletion started. Emergency power, that doesn't sound good, Tony said. A loud shriek was heard and everyone looked in the direction it was coming from. They could only see in short bursts of red for about two seconds before it went dark again. When Hideri came across the source of the noise she screamed as well. "'s in two..." Hideri sputtered out. The body was cut in half at the waist, and the upper body was nowhere to be seen. "I can't even tell who that is..." loud footsteps came from behind, Hideri quickly spun around. Before she stood a femboy. I'm scared, can you help? Sure. In Hideri's mind, she wondered why the femboy wasn't alarmed at the body. Hideri and the femboy wandered through the halls trying to find anybody else. "Damn, we need to find that generator," Hideri mumbled. " I think I know where it is, but we need two people." "Well, you can help right?" "No, I'm too weak to pull the lever." "How would he know it requires a lever?" Hideri wondered, her suspicions grew. "Hey, how long have you been here?" "Um... about a month I think, it could be more." "What's your rank?" "My rank? Um... it's uh... well I'm not sure." Hideri grew EVEN MORE SUS. "Ummmm that's kinda sus..." Hideri responds in an unwavering, queasy, vomit-inducing voice. Her breath was hot as a dog in the summer panting away at the thought of her employee betraying her trust. "Su... sus ha ha... sussy... ha ha HA!" Hideri then went on a rampage so violent that it cannot and will not be portrayed in this story. When Hideri was done mutilating the body, she stood in the mess she had created, deep crimson blood was splattered all over everything. The sounds of cracking dismembered bones filled the echo-y room and broke the deafening silence. Hideri ripped the flesh off of her victim as she devoured it slowly. It used to be human, but alas, the wrath of Hideri was bestowed upon him. This was his punishment, death. Hideri stood with glazed eyes and blood over her hands and face. This was her reward. Flesh.

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