A Memorable Night

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I lunged out of my bed to observe the beauty in my closet. I put on the evening wear with eagerness and desperation. I knew damn well I looked hot in those garments.
I left my room as soon as I finished admiring the way I looked and met Eren along the way in the corridors. We chatted away as we would on a day to day basis.

As we got closer to the vast and wooden doorway, our ears hit by the noises of muffled talking and music.
Sooner or later, we entered the room, which seemed to be the well-known 'Grand Hall'. The volume increased the moment we stepped in.
Our jaws dropped. I mustn't deny it was very grand; no wonder why this room is always locked.

We sat by the table that reached wall to wall and had a tremendous feast. My plate had steak, roasted potatoes on top with seasoning and crimson red wine. There was much more to it, though my stomach couldn't handle it.
I was already quite full despite the desert still yet to come. Unsurprisingly, Sasha had an endless pit as a stomach; she would never feel 'full'.
The human vacuum devoured plate after plate like a pig. At last, the moment I've been waiting for finally arrived, the dance.

The music paused for a minute. Commandant Smith stood up in pride, not taking notice of the sauce on the side of his lips.
"I hope you've all enjoyed this feast, but now for the main event, the masked dance. Commander Hange Zoë and Ackerman will assign you to random scouts; you shall dance with them. Luckily for you lot, you don't see each other's faces, so no complaining!"
He remarked.
The music played once more but quieter. We got given numbers so that way our dance partners were at random.
Hange gave me my number, number 56. Once all that hassle was over, numbers got called out by Levi.

"Number 44, raise your hand. You're with number 56. Number 56, please raise your hand. Thank you, you may begin your dance."
He declared in his raspy voice. That's me, looks like I'm up first!
I met somebody who wore; a black mask, silk, jet-black dress that hung perfectly on their body, complimented with some chains around their stomach. Lastly, with long gloves also black with high heels and a deep red scarf.
I'm sure whomever it is underneath that mask looks ravishing.
Soon, Levi stopped calling out everyone's numbers. With everyone paired up, we were all dancing at a comfortable pace. The volume of the music gradually increased.
Their hand grabbed my waist and the other clasped my hand whilst my hand was on their shoulder; we waltzed around.

"Nice to meet you. Are you enjoying the night so far?"
The anonymous person tried to raise their voice over the loud music.

Hold on. I recognise that voice; that scarf looks pretty familiar too.

"It's going very well, and you?" I replied. Their lips raised into a slight smirk. "Well, I dare say my night is going much better now that I've met such an astounding-looking person."

What the hell? Am I dreaming? My face turned faintly red.

"Why, thank you, I could say the same for you," I said somehow, with confidence. 

Wait. Those pearly eyes and short dark hair that can't be Mikasa, could it? Does she know who I am? Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Keep yourself together, y/n.

 I didn't even know I was zoning out, staring into her gorgeous pupils, until she had spoken.
"You ok? You look a little red."
My heart raced a little, my hands shaky, but I managed to speak.
"Y-yes, I'm ok, I'm fine."
I glanced at Eren to see how he was doing; he was already staring at me. He gave me a wink saying, 'you're doing well' I smiled in return; I gained confidence.
Again, I look deeply into the woman's features.
"Enjoying the view, are we?" There were butterflies in my stomach that felt like they were fighting; however, I kept calm. "Maybe I am."

We took a break, and options for several drinks were available for us. Knowing Eren, he's most likely to get drunk first. I got to know Mikasa a little better, and I was more comfortable around her.
After some time passed, I was correct; Eren was drunk. Very drunk. He couldn't take control of his own body and changed the music to some disturbing, loud rock music ruining the vibe entirely.
It doesn't feel much different from the food fight from earlier.
A shout came from a small man in the distance.
"Yeager, you idiot. Go back to your room and take a nap or something. You're not welcome here; I do not allow this behaviour. I'm too tired to deal with you right now." Said Levi sternly.
"Ok, dad." Eren mocked. 
Mikasa and I laughed to ourselves so did Erwin.
As expected, Hange couldn't contain their laughter much longer. Levi, with a vacant expression like he always had, we were done with our tittering; the classical music came back thanks to Commander Erwin.

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