Chapter 2

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Jack then awoke in a shock. He was still in the cave, but it was completely quiet.

"W-Who am I?" Jack asked.

"Ember Frost," Jack heard someone answer.

"WHO WAS THAT!?" Jack yelled.

"The love spirit," A girl with red hair and eyes answered.

"The love spirit," A girl with red hair and eyes answered

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"How do you know of me?" Ember asked.

"Because, your love story. Was the most beautiful I have ever seen," She answered. "When they tore you two apart, I broke down in rage!" She said angrily.

"Who was I in love with?" Ember asked.

"They really did take all your memories," She said quietly. "Come, I'll take you to where they store them," She said motioning for Ember to follow her. Ember slowly followed her to another cavern, filled with screens showing images.

"Lay in that tub," She said pointing to it

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"Lay in that tub," She said pointing to it. Ember the. Got in it then shrugged his shoulders.

"Close your eyes, then relax. They will come to you," She told him. He closed his eyes, then felt his soul leave his body.

Ember then felt his soul slip away, memories flooding back to him, he felt himself slowly change. Instead of being cold, he felt warm. Then a normal temperature, that he hadn't felt in 325 years. Once he felt his soul return to his body, he was filled with rage.

"THESE BITCHES!" Ember yelled. "ARE GONNA PAY! After I visit my love,"

"THAT'S THE SPIRIT!" The love spirit yelled clapping her hands.

"Where is he?" Ember asked.

"Come, I'll show you," She said blowing a kiss, then a pink heart appeared in a forest. Ember followed her there to a forest with a broken bed in the middle.

 Ember followed her there to a forest with a broken bed in the middle

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