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I stood at your door, the urge to just walk in there and sit on your bed like it's any other day is big. I so badly want to just talk freely or even just make music together.
But we can't even stand in the same room without one of us being awkward.
At least I try and talk with you.
You barely even look my way now.

I breath in and out deeply. Making sure I put on my best smile. I knock with a bit of rhythm.
I stand there for a few seconds before I hear the door unlock and the knob turn.
You rarely lock your door.

You open it slightly and once you meet my eyes I smile lightly.
What I didn't expect was for you to say
"Next time Donghyuck, I'm busy."

The door shut on my face while my smile drops instantly.
I huff turning back around to the kitchen to make something to eat.
After that I let you do whatever you want.
It's not like I didn't try, what was I supposed to do kick your door open and stop you with my hand?
Well I could've done that but I was too afraid.

Afraid of what you would think of me trying so hard.
I guess I should just give up huh? You won't let me in so what am I supposed to do. I'll just find someone else to accommodate me. Someone who can keep me company at all times.

That used to be you.

A/N: I'm about to get a blood test so I'm currently starving.

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