Special Chapter 2: The New S.A

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One Despicable Guy.

Special Chapter 2: The New S.A.

"What a pain! All that fast typing and I still couldn't get the dating contract ready in time! It's all your fault for interfering! If you hadn't arrived, Ry-kun and I could have reached an agreement! What's up with you and not wanting me to date him?" Naoki mentioned, and Naomi bit her lips hard and felt a vein popping at her forehead, but somehow she managed to calm down. After all, the whole class was facing them. "Don't you have class rep. duties to attempt to?" Naoki mentioned, and Naomi grew worried and faced her hand watch, then at her classmates, and she finally lowered her head in annoyance. "You were the one who raised your hand when the professor asked for a class representative. It is your own fault! We don't even need to attempt classes you know. I don't know why you go, and I don't know why I follow you." Naoki complained, while Naomi nodded in agreement and faced her classroom, 1-A. "We are Special A, remember?"

'We have been for only a week.' Naomi wrote. 'And it would be horrible not to get along with our classmates at all. Father said so. He said mother was very reclusive when young.' Naomi mentioned, and then entered the classroom and took a chalk and began writing by the keyboard. 'Everyone, classes are about to start!' She wrote with hearts surrounding her words, and everyone blushed when seeing her, and they all sat at their chairs. Naomi was really popular, she had a cuteness that couldn't be ignored at all, and sometimes Naoki was jealous of such cuteness, mostly because she was more like her father, selfish and arrogant. 'Saiga, Naoki, please go back to your sit.' She wrote once seeing Naoki still standing in the middle of the room, and Naoki felt a vein popping at her forehead.

"Yeah, sure, you keep on using your cute princess personality around everyone and all that." Naoki mentioned out of arrogance. "One day they will discover your true self, little sister. And when they do, don't come crying to me when that happens." She teased, and Naoki felt an eyebrow tickling her forehead, but resisted the urge of starting an argument, while Naoki walked back to her sit next to Ryuji. "Why am I doing this? The Greenhouse is a lot calmer." Naoki complained, and then she faced Ryuji. "Why are you here too?" She wondered, obviously jealous when facing her younger sister, Ryuji just flinched.

"Well... Naomi would feel lonely if I stayed at the Greenhouse... so... we will join you and the others once class break starts, please don't worry?" And Naoki breathed out of annoyance. "If it bothers you... why don't you go to the Greenhouse with Kyo and the others and study there? You don't have to push yourself too hard." He asked while facing Naoki. "You don't have to be here by force, just use the Greenhouse."

"At the Greenhouse it is a lot calmer... but Kyo is always there... and I loathe him so much!" She complained. "What a nuisance. We belong to a far different world. Why is my sister so eager in socializing with such commoners?" And Ryuji sweat dropped at such words, and luckily for her reputation, no one actually heard her, they were all reading the instructions of Naomi, who for a 'mute' class rep, actually made a great job and was loved by everyone. "She is so fake!" Naoki mentioned.

"Naomi only wants to have friends. It was really hard for your mother... remember...?" And Naoki delivered an arrogant smile at him. "What was that for? You love your mother a lot. You shouldn't be making fun of her like that." Ryuji explained, and then everyone heard Naomi clapping a couple of times, and the whole classroom stood up, and vowed for Headmaster Tadashi when he arrived. Naomi then made a reverence, and the whole room saluted Tadashi.

"Woah! You really trained them all fairly well, Naomi." Tadashi mentioned, and everyone sweat dropped at his words while feeling like animals. "Thanks for your continuous support, class rep. It's good to see at least half of the Special A attempting classes." And Naomi moved her head in negation and walked her way to her sit by the front of the classroom. She was needed there so the whole class knew what to do and when to do it. "Yo! Everyone!" And the whole class sweat dropped at Tadashi's bad effort to be cool. "First of all, as you know, I like to personally welcome every freshman to this institution... and second, forgive me for doing it a week late... I got carried away exploring the playground. Have you seen it? It's huge! We need to hire some additional security staff so no one gets lost." And everyone faked their laughter. "Having said all this, please have fun in this new school year. And try to make happy memories. And for the Special A, please do visit us often! Don't be lazy!" And both Ryuji and Naoki sweated hard, Naomi in the other hand stood up and vowed, and the whole classroom stood up and vowed as well. Once that was done, Tadashi left the room, and Naomi clapped her hands a couple of times, and got everyone's attention.

One Despicable Guy by FriendlyMushroomWhere stories live. Discover now