Mi mariposita(Cg!Dolores little Mirabel)

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Mirabel made her way to casita sad and feeling useless.
She felt everything was all her fault, she'd tried to help Camilo babysit but as quickly as she tried to hold the baby the baby started screaming, she'd distracted Luisa by trying to find something to do, Isabela she wouldn't even try to help she'd only roll her eyes and tell her to go away.

Mirabel hated this feeling, she didn't want her parents to be upset and feel sorry for her so she never told them.

She'd finally made it to the nursery and went to her bed and reached the drawer by the bed, she grabbed her purple butterfly pacifier, her crayons and her coloring book.

When she was coloring a cute picture of a house as the picture got wet when tears hit the paper.

"Whats i dong w'ng?" She asked herself and started sobbing as quiet as possible as her prima Dolores heard everything.

Mirabel had always admired her prima everything she did was always super cool! Her gift was super cool as well.

Mirabel couldn't draw anymore she was to shaky.
Breathing started getting really difficult and she pressed her legs up to her face and cried into her knees.

And when breathing started getting almost impossible she heard a quiet knock and a loudish whisper.
"Mirabel?..Are you okay?" A voice said and Mirabel froze on her bed.

"Yeh m ok.." Mirabel said.
"Can I come in?" Dolores said.
"Uhhh wait!!" Mirabel said throwing her paci, crayons and her coloring book in her drawer.

"Coms." Mirabel said making sure everything was hidden.

Dolores walked in, closed the door and walked over to Mirabel.
"What's wrong? I heard you cry." Dolores said.
"I'm fine!" Mirabel said and tried to hide the fact she cant breathe.

"Mira you don't need to lie mi mariposita." Dolores said Mirabels face was filled with confusion.

Dolores went one her knees and grabbed Mirabels little items.

"Here Mariposita, though day?" Dolores asked still on the flor.

Mirabel got over to the front part of the bed and pated beside her to show that Dolores could sit there and Dolores did get up and sat there and opened her arms, it was on record time Mirabel had started hugging someone.

"Shhh its okay mariposita I promise."

And they sat like that for an hour talking and Dolores trying to get Mirabel to calm down.

After awhile Mirabel had calmed down a lot and she took the time to just hug her prima.

"Mira?" Dolores whispered.
"Mhm?" Mirabel said with a curious look on her face.
"Wanna draw at my room? It's very quiet there." Dolores said.
"Yeshhhhh!" Mirabel said with pure excitement.

Mirabel has barely been in there. No one really knew that Mirabel admired Dolores and Mirabel didn't want her to know. She's 15! Well right now she's more 3 but still.

They made their way to Dolores room, Dolores grabbed Mirabels hand and Mirabel was about to burst out with excitement.
"You okay mariposita?" Dolores asked with a slight giggle.

"Mhm!" Mirabel said and waddling besides her.

They made it into the room and Mirabel saw a huge paper with crayons, water colors in all possible shades and colors, sharpies basically all pens and pencils possible!

"I'm sorry I didn't pick you up earlier I wasnt sure how to take care of you but I found out you liked coloring so I found a huge paper." Dolores said and Mirabel was so excited to start drawing.

"It's ok! Draw!" Mirabel said and Dolores laughed and nodded.

After a few minutes Mirabel came up to Dolores with her hands behind her back.
"What do you have their mì Mariposita?" Dolores said and Mirabel showed a peace of paper Mirabel had taken away from the big paper and had drawn her and Dolores under a big rainbow with all sorts of glitters.

"Awh mì mariposita! That's so cute! Where should we hang it up?" Dolores asked and Mirabel jumped up and down with excitement.

"Heres!" Mirabel said and pointed on over Dolores bed.

"Perfect mí mariposita." Dolores said and put the beautiful painting up.

Mirabel went back to drawing and about 7 minutes of drawing Dolores heard a yawn that Mirabel tried to hide.

"Tired mariposita?" Dolores asked.
"Nuhs!" Mirabel said and smiled.
"Alright then."

But only after a few seconds Mirabel felt her eyes getting heavier and heavier.

"Tired?" Dolores asked.
"Mhm.." Mirabel said rubbing her eyes.
"Come here mí mariposita." Dolores said and
picked her up.

"Sweet dreams mí mariposita." Dolores kissed Mirabels forehead and tucked her in.

"Dolores..." Mirabel said.
"Mhm? What's up?" Dolores said and smiled as she was about to exit the room.
"Stay please.." Mirabel said and made grabby hands.

"Okay I will." Dolores said and got down with Mirabel and cuddled her.

"Dolores..your my favorite." Mirabel quietly said and fell asleep.

"Thank you mariposita." Dolores said and almost shed a tear.

First chapterrrrr thank you for reading this! Ily have an amazing day<3 remember to drink water and eat something and relax today and try to sleep at a good time<3

Word count:862

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