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Pen had finally decided that she was going on the Berk all-girls handball team and today, try-outs were being held at the field. (Yes, Berk had a field for non-dragon related sports and activity's.)

Pen tried her hardest to put on a smile and look happy. But as soon as she entered the field, all eyes were on her. And suddenly her smile shrieked to a smirk.

"Hey, I'm here for the try-outs for the girl's handball team. My name is Pen. I'm 25."

Try-outs went well and by the next day she had gotten the news that she had made it onto the team. Practices are held at the field four times a week and to her surprise, Pen actually liked handball. She thought it was really fun...at some expense.

After a long day of practice, Pen came home late and tired.

"Hey, how was practice?" Eret said.

"Ok." She replied sitting down at the table. "I'm a good player but it's just hard to show them that."


"Because the girls don't want to give me a shot. They don't believe in me. They don't think I can do anything."

"Well, change that."


"Show them you're worth something. Prove to them that you belong on that team."


Pen and Eret were at the unoccupied field. Eret was trying to throw the ball into the goal and Pen tried to block it.

"Again" Pen said.

Eret threw the ball but Pen simply raised her wing to block it.

"Oh come on you can do better than that." She said.

"Pen, we've been at this for hours. I think you're good."

"I know. But our first game is coming up and I want to make sure I'm ready."

"Well that ball isn't going to get in that goal as long as you're goalie. That's for sure."


I know that was a short chapter but I'm saving all the good stuff for the next chapter. Hoped you liked it anyways!

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