Chapter 2: Pranktime!

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"How?", asked Neji. "How? Well that was rather easy, the opening that you saw, weren't openings at all, they were my own Taijutsu-style called the 'Enticing Fist'. It capitalizes on the cocky attitude of an enemy, showing them fake-openings that you than use to finish them.", the blond answered still loud enough that the crowd could hear him.

In the stands most of the shinobi were shocked, they knew about Naruto reputation as a dead-last a thought the he just made it with luck, but to use a such an intelligent style was something truly astonishing.

"Even if you can counter my attack you aren't strong enough to do any damage to me a clan-less orphan like you will never beat an Hyuga like me" Neji stated arrogantly

"Oi is that so, well let me prove you wrong again" said Naruto and to the shock of everyone present he slammed his fist into the ground and create a crater with a strength that could rival that of Tsunade herself.

"As you can see Neji I merely held back to prevent this fight from ending to soon, but tell me why do you think I'm not from a clan? The proctor just called me Naruto UZUMAKI"

Neji while shocked from Naruto incredible strength, tried to keep calm and come up with a new plan. "I don't know what you are dreaming of but there is no clan that can rival the Hyuga and I never have even heard of other Uzumakis"

Normally someone would feel insulted if some told him that their clan wasn't important, but Naruto was simply shocked, "Y-You don't know? And you wanted to be a Chunin? PLEASE tell me that you are just an exception" but to Naruto shocked a lot people in the crowd seemed to be puzzled

"Why would it be important to know about some weak no name clan for being a Chunin"

"Well because you would wear the symbol of my clan on you flak jacket like every other Chunin and Jonin does, "Naruto said in a matter of fact tone and shocked the people that didn't knew about the history between the Uzumaki clan and Konoha, "and for being a weak clan" Naruto continued while pulling a sheathed katana seemingly out of the air, "I think that I have showed enough of my Taijutsu skills, so we can continue to one of the two things that made my clan feared, Kenjutsu" he ended and draw his sword, while throwing away the sheathed that dissolved into blossoms as soon as it left his hand.


Many of the older shinobi were shocked again, despite what already happened.

"Why are the people looking so strange at Naruto?", asked Ino. Before anyone could answer, TenTen, squealed like a fangirl, "That is Benihime, the Blade of Uzu!" To see the normally calm TenTen act that excited made Lee ask" What is so exciting about this sword Guy-sensei?" Before said Green Beast could start his speak about the youthfulness of the blade of Uzu, one of the ANBU that was standing nearby, also with heart in her eyes, spoke "It's the best sword, no weapon, to ever exist, it's said to be a gift of the Sage of Six Paths himself to the Uzumaki Clan, furthermore whoever wields that blade is not only considered Clan Head of the Uzumaki Clan, but also Daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools, with that sword he is automatically equal to any Daimyo."

"hmph, then I'm going to take it for the Uchiha clan" said Sasuke. At this most of the surrounding people looked shock at the disrespect, while Kakashi just chuckled, "If I were you I wouldn't try that Sasuke-chan, not only would you that be illegal, but also if anyone not of Uzumaki blood tries to hold it he will die a cruel death, Benihime after all is a sentient being, who's one loyal to those of royal Uzumaki blood"


Naruto settled into his raging fox stand and quickly began his fight with Neji, not that it really could be considered as such, as soon as Naruto started attacking cuts appeared all over Neji body even the ultimate defense of the Hyuga, the Kaiten (Rotation), was destroyed with one of Naruto sword techniques. After Naruto showed the crowd some of his Kenjutsu skills for some minutes he stopped the attacks and stored his sword away. "I think that was enough Kenjutsu for now." Naruto said to the kneeling Neji, that could just barely stop himself from passing out due to the pain that came from the cuts, to his dismal Naruto's last strike had cut Neji hitai-ate so that the caged bird seal was visible for everyone. "Now to end this fight I will show you why Iwa, Kumo and Kiri sacrificed nearly 20.000 shinobi just to destroy my clan, Fuinjutsu" he said to Neji while part of the crowd where shocked from the revelation that Naruto clan alone had taken down so many enemies, some of them started to remember the stories about Uzushiogakure and how they basically won the second shinobi world war for Konoha alone.

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