Chapter 11: Dance of Sacred Ice

Start from the beginning

The demon's body quickly degenerate leaving Fuyuko free falling in the air. The height she is in is high enough to kill but Fuyuko doesn't seem startled. She already had a plan in hand to avoid the impact of her fall.

She just need to release one of her breathing style technique before she hit the ground, and that is enough to bail her out from the great force and it will let her land safely, cheating death like she always did since she joined the corps.

She is very confident that she will survive this night, and she draw her sword near her as she controlled her breathing to prepare for the last strike. When suddenly, her blade cracked, then got shattered to pieces.

Fuyuko's eyes widened in bewilderment, for 3 years of fighting demons she never once broke her nichirin sword. And now, she got to witnessed it shattered like a fragile glass in her own irises.

Moreover, what will she used to save herself from the impact of the fall. She didn't dare to looked down. Though, she isn't afraid of death but she is also not fond of it. She didn't plan on seeing her ancestors and father in the afterlife so early.

Her ancestors will surely bring hell to her because she married the descendant of the family of flames that they see as their sworn rival. While her father will be merciless, she doesn't need to be a genius to know that her father will make her brutally pay because she killed him in his drunken sleep.

Oh well, she just hoped that she would survive after hitting the ground, which is somehow a miracle if it happens. She is more delighted to be disabled than to see the grim reaper dragging her to the ghost realm of her foolish clans.

Thinking about it, made Fuyuko wonder if she will let her clan experience a second death with her own hands, so they would open their eyes and see the foolishness they have been doing for generations. They might as well live their lives in their own happiness than to waste it training just to surpass the flame that cannot be extinguish.

All of them just wasted their lives. The ice will melt before the flame ran out.

On second thought, she might as well accept death and give her dead clan a piece of her mind. They might be strong but she doubted that her skills and hard work for the pass 6 years before becoming a slayer would fail her. She thrived without their guidance and became strong with her own will.

Whatever the outcome of her fall, will she survive or die, she will accept the judgement bestowed upon her. She's already contented of what she had seen of the cruel world, and maybe she's truly destined to die young.

For 18 years of living, will her future hold an extension or everything ends here. If she survives, then her luck must be very fortunate that she cheated death once more without effort.

And as Fuyuko's thought continued to ramble about her life and death, she was suddenly pulled out of her trance when warm hands tightly grasped her. She was still in mid-air, when her sight unexpectedly viewed strands of red and yellow shades.

Red flame-like eyes then dazzled in Fuyuko's vision, as the man's usual bright smile adorn his face with greatness.

"Don't worry," Kyojuro assured as he held her closer. "I've got you."

Fuyuko couldn't help but stare at her so-called husband, everything about him is very nostalgic and familiar, though, she couldn't pinpoint what is it. The only thing she knew, is she felt comfortable around him.

Kyojuro gently carried her like how a groom should carry his bride, and he landed on his feet with a thud as he reached the ground without breaking any bones. Fuyuko cheated death once more, and she don't know if she is feeling glad or sad to be alive, she really thought she would die that time.

"Are you alright, Fuyuko?" Kyojuro asked, worried about her.

"I'm fine." Fuyuko monotonously replied. "And please put me down."

Kyojuro did what she asked and slowly placed her down on the stone-covered ground. He watched her in awe as her snow-white hair glowed from the moonlight's radiance along with her fair-white skin. Her deep azure eyes never changed and still holds an apathetic look to everything she sees, yet, those irises also held kindness and care.

She may not show it but he knew her. Even if it was only a short amount of time, he knows she's someone caring and kind despite her cold appearance. Looks can be very deceiving.

"Thank you." Fuyuko meant it, even though her tone sounds dull.

She didn't even expect the man to believe her words of gratitude but she still expressed it anyway. This man saved her life, naturally, she should be grateful. Specially, if she's bound to this man for the rest of her lifetime.

A warm hand then made its way to Fuyuko's cut cheek, and gently brushed the blood off that stained her face. She looked at him, slightly surprise by his actions and he returned her gaze with a closed-eye smile.

"You're welcome!"

"Embers of Love" Demon Slayer Fanfic: Kyojuro Rengoku x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now