Chapter 1

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It was nighttime, and everyone was tucking in. Nurp sleeped in his crib, Scorpi cuddled with Hoogi, and a Wiztastic named Wisherie stayed up, trying to create a rainbow cubit.

"Presto, make a cubit-o!" Said Wisherie, but nothing happened.

"Hocus Mixus!" All that spell did was make a blue, floating cloud that stuck to the ceiling.

"What if I try.. Abra... Cawaka... DOODLE!"

Suddenly, the center of the floor glowed a bright white, and then a beam of colorful light shot through the floor.

"Woah..." Said Wisherie.

That was all Wisherie said before she got knocked out by the beam. In fact, everyone who was on Planet Mixel but wasn't asleep just got knocked out by the plastic-like smell of the beam. After a few minutes, the beam hit Mixel Moon, also causing everyone on there to be knocked out. The next morning, everyone woke up, not knowing what had happened.
Niksput yawned and walked to the bathroom, only to realize that there was something different about his wings.

"AGH!" Shouted Niksput.

"My... MY WINGS!"

Niksput's wings were almost exact to those of Globert's wings. Rokit walked into the bathroom and said "good morning" to him, only to realize that Niksput had the wings of a Glowkie.

"The heck happened to you?" Asked Rokit.

"How am I supposed to know that, bro?" Questioned Niksput.

Meanwhile, Kramm wasn't having a less confusing situation back at the construction zone.

"Hey, where'd my drill go?" Asked Kramm.

Kramm looked in the bathroom closet, in the bathroom drawers, and even in the empty shower, but nothing.

"Let's see if I can HEAR my drill. Maybe then I'll find it." Thought Kramm.

Kramm's new right arm (which is Scorpi's tail) waved on its own, but Kramm ignored that and thought hard about drills. Suddenly, Scorpi was rudely awakened by the sound of drills, and he was about to get on Hoogi's head, but even on his head, the extremely loud drill still blared its noise. Scorpi ran around screaming, unable to find where the noise was coming from and unable to ignore the noise.

"Scorpi? Is something wrong?" Asked Footi.

Footi saw that Scorpi no longer had his tail, but it was replaced with Kramm's right arm (which was a drill).

"Wait, since when did you get a drill?" Questioned Hoogi.


Hoogi pointed at Footi's head whereas Flain's fire and prongs replaced his mohawk. When Footi checked the top of his head, he only burned his finger.

"Wait, I didn't feel the fire before, though." Said Footi.

"You DIDN'T!?" Shouted Hoogi.

Meanwhile, in Mountain City, the Electroids weren't having a better time. Volectro was running out of the bathroom to show his tribemates the disaster he encountered.


"Huh, that's weird." Said Teslo.

"Wait a minute, LAVA fingers?"

"Let me explain. I wazzzz in the bathroom, getting ready for the day. When I wazzzz about to brush my teeth, MY HANDS BURNED AND I REALIZED MY FINGERZZZZ WERE LAVA-HOT!" Explained Volectro.

Everyone in both Planet Mixel and Mixel Moon were either complaining about their new changes, running around in circles, or trying to stay calm. Soon enough, Teslo held a meeting at the Mixopolis Town Hall and everyone had went there. Suddenly, a scream was heard and when everyone looked outside, Lunk crashed into a coconapple tree and he even had Zorch's legs. Zorch was just trying to catch up, but he went very slowly due to having Lunk's legs.
A few mixels snickered, but Zorch turned towards them with an annoyed look.

"Don't. Say. A word." Said Zorch.

After 20 seconds, Zorch finally caught up to Lunk and pried him off of the tree.

"I hate being faaaast." Complained Lunk.

"Yeah, and I hate having to be so slow!" Agreed Zorch.

"Look, I know you hate this change, but we gotzzzz to get used to it for now." Said Teslo.

Zorch groaned and then he and Lunk walked into the Mixopolis Town Hall. In the Town Hall, there were many mixels who had one or two of their body parts swapped with other mixels who attended the meeting at the Town Hall.

"Alright, everyone. As we know, we all got our body partzzzz swapped." Announced Teslo.

"HOW we got our body parts swapped is the real question, however. Any ideazzzz?"

A few mixels raised their hands, and Teslo chose Zorch's hand.

"So what if the nixels are tryin' to mess with us? They already messed with my day in this case. It's going horrible if you're wondering." Suggested Zorch.

"No, no. Nixels wouldn't DO something like thizzzz." Protested Teslo.

Teslo then chose Kraw's rubbery hand which was replaced with Tort's slimy arm.

"Zorch has a point, King Nixe-e-e-el reduced the cubits to their liquid state and somehow reversed the osmosis of its sub-mollecular maxmillary one time." Reminded Kraw.

"However, he clearly wouldn't have enough time to swap the bo-o-o-ody parts of every mixel in both Planet Mixel AND Mixel Moon all in one night."

"Here, here." Agreed Niksput.

Teslo suddenly got an idea, so he got his notepad out and drew a purple cloud that had the word "MAGIC" on it and stuck the note onto a corkboard. Next, Teslo drew a picture of a nixel holding a purple stick and stuck it to the corkboard near the picture of a purple cloud. Meanwhile, Wisherie, who also attended the meeting and had her wings swapped with Flurr's wings, was very nervous. She thought that if she said that she caused the swap, everyone would turn against her and never trust her again.

"If Zorch is right about hizzzz hypothesis, then the nixel must've found one of Magnifo'zzzz wands and accidentally used a spell on us, making us swap body parts." Explained Teslo.

"Wait, are those my legs you have, Teslo?" Asked Nurp-Naut who was currently Naut.

Teslo looked down at his legs and then told Nurp-Naut that he did have his legs.

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