After the Olms

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Sasha POV

It's been hours since we left the city of Proteus and started our journey back to Wartwood. The mucus and ear wax smell never left. Disgusting..... nothing I could do till I get a good wash. Mother Olm's "shower" at least got most of the mucus and earwax off of my clothes and cape. That's the positive side of that. I'm still trying to keep a positive attitude, even with an entire war surrounding us. I have to become a better person, and that starts with how I think.


I should really try to stay focused right now. Nighttime in Amphibia was already dangerous before and now Andrias has been sending out more and more robots, mostly guarding the sky. I force Joe to walk, keeping us low to the ground at night. This also gives Joe Sparrow a break from flying. We walked most of the way back. When we needed to, we used Joe to avoid obstacles. I just felt more paranoid after this mission. I felt a need surge through me. I just have to keep Anne safe, no matter the cost. I wasn't able to protect Marcy, and now have to rescue her so she doesn't meet her fate with King Asshole up in the sky. But yet,


She's here, standing by me, co-commanding with me. What a fighter, yet still lets her heart decide it all. I wonder..... does she really need my protection? She's got cool anime powers, and she is so much stronger than I could ever be. Even if I did get these new found powers, is that enough to protect the both of them? To protect Anne? Are we both enough to stop this war? I bet that's why Andria's kept Marcy, to stop the prophecy from happening.

We finally arrive at the Planters destroyed house. I trip over some rubble of stone and I couldn't stop myself, I kept stumbling forward. Losing yourself in your thoughts has consequences. Anne does a twirl in front of me, meanwhile, her hand grasps my arm while the other finds a resting spot on my chest plate. My thoughts escape me as my eyes gaze into the most chestnut eyes I've ever seen. Anne's just so beautiful, even with all those leaves in her hair.

" Hey Sasha you good?"

Anne tilts her head like a dog, waiting for me to say something. But before she could do anything else, I shrugged her off and quickly flicked my head to cover my already blushing face with my helmet. I speed walk inside, still doing a rushed army salute to Chuck. I keep my back facing Anne as I enter.

"I'm perfectly fine Anne, I just got a lot on my mind these days..."

I try to brush it off. I look back at the gang seeing them look up. They all take a quick look at the house again. Must be hard having lived in this house, and having to deal with its new state. The roof is destroyed and the outside of the house is crumbling onto itself. We're lucky it can still stand and be enough of a cover for the resistance. One by one they stumble inside, Anne being the last one to come inside. The night light shines beautiful onto Anne's skin. Even after that disgusting mission, she still finds a way to be beautiful. I walk towards the entrance and open the tunnel entrance. I motion with my hands to the entrance, letting everyone, including Anne, go before me. As I close the tunnel door, I am encountered with a confused Anne in the middle of the stairway. Her face fades into the shadows behind the tunnel door as I stay behind here with Chuck.

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