Chapter 7

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The day after Sean and I's outing Mavis decided she was ready to talk to a stranger. I'm not sure if she can actually do it, but I think she was inspired by my Joe's story, or maybe she just misses being able to talk to people normally. Either way she's convinced that she'll be able to talk to the boys if we see them. She is usually better about talking to strangers when she's in a familiar setting so I invited Sean over to the house. I mentioned that he could bring Scott, but I doubt he'll actually show. Of course I have to prepare for guests, but I have no idea how to do that. Lucky for me Mavis remembers something from her popular high school days.

"Just put some chips in a bowl Juniper, I'll clean the bathroom. Jeez, I figured you would be able to clean a bathroom considering how many times you wash your hands in here everyday." Mavis fumes as I hand over the towel I was using to wipe the inside of the toilet bowl, apparently that's wrong.

"What if we don't have chips?" I ask her while I wash my hands.

"Go buy more? Do you know anything? I thought you were the smart one." She answers, beyond irritated.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go. Try talking to me again when you aren't being a bitch." I tell her as I walk out of the bathroom.

I'm putting the chips in the bowl when the doorbell rings. I know Mavis won't answer it, too much interaction too early into the visit. I pull Mavis out of the bathroom and bring her to the front door. I'm about to open it when she pulls my hand away and tells me to stop.

"I can't so this. Answer the door and tell them to go away. Or I'll just go away. I just can't do this." Mavis says as she starts to hyperventilate.

"What? No. I'm going to answer the door and say hello. I will then proceed to introduce you to them and you will say hi. It doesn't have to be long, just a polite hello. Okay? Are you ready for this?" I say to help her calm down.

"No, but if you don't do it now I'll leave before you get the chance so just do it."

"Hey guys, welcome to my humble abode." I say after I've opened the door. "This is my sister Mavis."

"Hey Maz, it's nice to see you again." Sean says, smiling at Mavis.

"Hi Sean." She replies, quickly and quietly.

" Hey, so you're Mavis? I've heard all about you from your sister. It's nice to finally meet you." Scott says, smiling at her. This is the type of treatment she's used to from boys.

"Hi." She says, even quicker and quieter than the last time.

"Well, come along this way. We'll just reside in the living room. Enjoy some chips, fresh from the bag." I say as I lead everyone into the leaving room.

"This is a nice house. I was expecting a sod hut, or maybe just a remodeled Volkswagen van." Sean jokes.

"Very funny Sean. No my parents ditched the van a few years ago when Mavis got diagnosed. Rather unfortunate in my opinion, the van was quite homely. In the British sense of course." I reply.

"For someone who hates classics you sure do talk like you're in one." Sean comments.

" So it's been a while Juniper, how have you been?" Scott asks, I was so invested in my conversation with Sean I sort of forgot Scott was there.

"I've been good. I live a very interesting and busy life of driving my sister around and attending school at home. How about you?" I reply.

"Sounds exciting. And, well, nothing can compare to the chaos you experience everyday, but I usually go to school, work, and the occasional party. But your life is much more interesting." Scott says.

" Hey Mavis, you used to go to parties. Maybe you and Scott can compare experiences." I suggest.

"Oh you were a party girl once Mavis? I can see it." Scott says and goes to sit by Mavis on the couch.

I move to sit by Sean on the other couch but keep a close eye on Mavis to make sure she isn't uncomfortable. From what I can tell she's replying but not engaging. Classic Mavis.

"Look, you helped her make a new friend. You deserve an award." Sean says, turning to me.

"Yeah sure, ask Mavis what she thinks I deserve. She may look pleasant on the outside, but on the inside she's probably cursing me to hell." I reply.

"No way, she actually looks happy. I think she's enjoying the conversation." Sean states confidently.

"Well you can think that, but you're wrong. Anyway thanks for coming over today, Mavis was really looking forward to social interaction up until the minute she heard the doorbell. That might not seem like much, but for Mavis that's a huge step. Outside of family she never talks to anyone other than her doctor."

"Oh yeah thanks for inviting me. And don't forget who you're talking to, I understand the significance of the small things. I think it's great that Mavis was excited to see us, even if she did shy up when right when we got here. She can't help it, I get that."

"Wow. You're so, what's the word? Oh yeah understanding. You're really understanding. I need to hang around you more often."

"Sounds good to me. I like hanging around you. Makes me feel like I'm not just that guy from the shooting."

"Is that how people at school see you?"

"Yeah, most of them anyway."

"Well you're always welcome to come homeschool with me." I offer.

"Yeah I don't think that would go over well with my parents, but thanks anyway."

"Ya know what guys? We need to play a game. How about monopoly?" I ask the whole group. I get a chorus of okays in reply.

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