Walking in Thorns

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After our Dinner it became a Tradition that every Saturday night, I would join them for dinner. Fin would come most of the time but there were days he couldn't make it. I did learn that Sebek had been posted as a Temporary Guard for me. However after seeing how Fin acted towards me he was told he did not need to Guard me anymore. 

Lilia had started requesting I train with him and Silver in the mornings. I agreed as long as Fin could join me. Three days a week I would train with them. To say Lilia was surprised and happy with how far I had come from when I left till now was an Understatement. Lilia had been ecstatic. He had squished me in his arms. I was thankful to be used to Floyd's "Squeezes" Now though. After all nothing Squeezed you harder then a Thousand year old Ex-Knight Fae. 

Weeks passed like this, Exams came and went. I saw a few students with Anemones on their heads at our Dorm. I didn't think much of it. Neither Me nor Fin had any on our heads after all. All I can thing of is that Azul had been up this something with them. 

However after 3 weeks everything was resolved. Though the Headmage looked upset for a month after. Most likely from having to make a deal with the Sea Devil.  However a week before Break Malleus requested I come see him at his dorm. I ran a hand through my hair as I walked to the Diasomina mirror. it was Sunday so I was dressed in my Dorm uniform. 

I walked into the dorms mirror and to the front door where Silver was waiting. He gave me a soft smile. I returned it. Over the months I had learned Silver was raised by Lilia from an Infant much like I was from a Hatchling. I felt close to him even though he wasn't a blood brother. We shared the same up bringer. During times I saw him in the hall I would joke about being raised by Lilia. We became quite close.

"He's in his suite" He said walking me up the stairs to the HouseWarden's Suit. I noticed a Vice Warden's suit was across from the HouseWarden's. meaning Lilia Was close to Malleus at all times. Silver knocked and Lilia opened the door. He had a smile on his face but his eyes were full of worry. I walked inside.

"What happened?" I asked. Malleus had a Mirror in his hand. Someone Contacted him perhaps? I remember back in the older days Mirror communication was big in the Thorn Valley. 

"Grandmother got our message. About you returning home" Blinking I raised an eye brow and cocked my hip.

"And... What did she have to say?" Malleus set the Mirror down so the Silver reflection faced down.

"She says she will have a room close to mine waiting for you" I blinked. A room close to Malleus? That was strange. Last time I was there she wanted me as far away from him as possible. 

"I-Is that right?" He nodded and looked at me.

"She misses you... You didn't see how she reacted after seeing you gone. How devastated she was... I am not saying that excuses her actions. However she has learned that you will not take her treatment anymore. She had been decorating and redecorating a room next to mine for many years. I never understood why but I believe now it is for you" I frowned.

"She didn't need to do that." He nodded.

"I just wanted you to know she knows you are coming." I nodded. He put a hand on my head.

"I won't hide anything from you, I didn't wish for you to be brushed to the side during any of this. You deserve to be Treated just as I have been. I am going to make sure of it. Even if it is only in our Boarders. You will be treated as the Prince I know you are" I frowned. But I wasn't. I would never be that little Quiet prince I was back then. 

The rest of the week passed and Finally the night before Break was here. Fin and I were packing our things. Fin looked over at me and then down. I took a breath and stopped putting my clothes away. 

The story of the Great Pirate Peeta Hook ((Twisted Wonderland Fanfic))Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora