Crew Ahoy!!

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Then next few days went off with nothing to drastic happening. I would wake early, Dine with the Draconias and Vanrouges. I would then walk around the castle to familiarize my self with it. Somedays I would explore the east wing. Others the west. And somedays I would explore the Lush Forests behind the Castle.

I found where Lilia was staying during this time. I had happened to come by while Silver and him were out training. Right outside that little cottage I grew up in. Lilia had invited me inside for tea. I made sure to keep away from anything that was Cooked by Lilia. Having learned long ago that Lilia may thing he was an amazing cook but in reality he could Burn water and still try to eat it.

As I walked I noticed more often then not I would be followed by Guards. Most looking none to happy to look at me. This was a given. I was a new face to them. Most were only around their early hundreds. If that.

I noticed how many seemed to be Half Fae instead of Full. I noticed as I walked around outside that Many human workers were around now as well. it was interesting to see just how much had changed. Before Grandmother would never employ humans or even half humans. She stated they would get the job done right. However now they were all around. Perhaps Silver had softened her heart a little.

During my first week I knew I wouldn't see my crew. They had to get to the Rose Queendom. Then they would have to turn to visit here. It would take them at least ten days to get this done. Meaning I probably wouldn't see them until the last few days before the end of Break.

During my Stay Brother had been nothing but Kind. He would often go on walks with me. Though it could have just been an excuse to get away form his Duties. He once told me about them and I had to say they sounded quite boring. Grandmother would join when she could as well but for the most part it was just me and Brother.

Some nights I would take a short flight around the Valley. I loved flying around the Mountains and seeing what I could find. I once got to explore a Cave late one night. It was an Interesting Cave as I had thought I had explored most of the Valley when I was younger. But This one I had never seen before. I would have to remember to take Fin here when he came.

It was on one of these nights I meet Grandmother in the Rose Garden. She looked surprise to see me. However she invited me to walk with her as we looked around the garden. It was oddly in full bloom for it being Winter. I could hear the snow crunch under or feet while the sent of Freshly opened Roses filled the air. She didn't make me talk to her. She just walked with me and at the end of She gave me a soft smile before turning in.

Finally the weekend I told Malleus I was going to look at the town. Back then I never got to explore the Towns of our little valley unless I was escaping. It would be nice to see them in the day I thought. He said he would join me if he could other wise he asked me to Bring a guard with me. I thought this was silly. None of the Guards liked me anyway.

Lilia was probably busy with Silver and I didn't want to Bother Him while was training. However the Saturday I went to leave a man was waiting for me at the door. He had long Bright red hair and Green eyes. He was also smiling brightly at me. I noticed his teeth were much like Floyd and Jades, Shark-like. He grinned at me and bowed at his waist.

"I Greet the Wild Thorns of the Valley" I kept my self from blushing.

"Hello, you don't have to Bow to me um..Who are you?" I asked. He chuckled lightly before raising.

'I'm called Sir Lita Ignis, It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness" I sighed and gave him a small smile.

'Pleasure is all mine Sir Ignis, Though you don't have to call me Your Highness o-or anything. Just Nox is fine" He nodded and smirked.

The story of the Great Pirate Peeta Hook ((Twisted Wonderland Fanfic))حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن