October 10th

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DaKayla POV
I just hit my 5 month mark and lord this shit aint easy I've been doing good in school and I been going to work like I'm supposed to being an adult even doe I'm still a teenager

My momma helped me with my furniture and getting my condo ready
I got the baby room ready and my room ready along with the bathrooms and closets
Life been going ok i finally got my license and a car
Your car

My momma helped me with my furniture and getting my condo ready I got the baby room ready and my room ready along with the bathrooms and closets Life been going ok i finally got my license and a car  Your car

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Karter been trying to talk to me and stuff but I been ignoring him cause it's not about the baby he got another gf nd she pregnant too but ye

I got a boyfriend that's really supportive of what I do and he helps a lot . I met him at the car dealership when I was buying my car

Anyways dis my bf

His name Jailyn Jackson he 20 he out of school he a hood ass nigga he not da one to play wit he stay in and out of jail for dumb shit he also claims my baby as his child he hates Karter with a passion he mean asl to everybody except his momma and ...

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His name Jailyn Jackson he 20 he out of school he a hood ass nigga he not da one to play wit he stay in and out of jail for dumb shit he also claims my baby as his child he hates Karter with a passion he mean asl to everybody except his momma and me , he a only child and spoiled rotten he also tall asf he 6'4 and ye dets it but ye dets a lil update

Jailyn:wake up and get ready fa school lil girl
Me:ion wanna go today
Jailyn:I don't care get up and do it for our child mfa you only got a few months till you graduate
Me:just today
Jailyn:get yo ass up
He say slapping my butt hard
Me:stop hittin me Jailyn
I say getting up hittin him in his face
Jailyn stared at me then walked away mad

I got out the bed and went took a shower after I got out I went brush my teeth and wash my face when I finished I went to my closet and picked out a simple outfit then did my hair

When I got done I grab my purse keys and phone then went in the living room Me:bae why uu wake me up I only have 2 classes dis year Jailyn:damn so uu slow huhMe:nawl fuck ass nigga I passed all except 2 of my 11th grade classes and I gotta get my ...

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When I got done I grab my purse keys and phone then went in the living room
Me:bae why uu wake me up I only have 2 classes dis year
Jailyn:damn so uu slow huh
Me:nawl fuck ass nigga I passed all except 2 of my 11th grade classes and I gotta get my credits for them once I get them iont gotta come to school
Jailyn:what classes are those
Me:trigonometry and honors science
Jailyn:df you got dem hard ass classes
Me:it ain't as hard if you understand I just don't turn my shit in nd I'm to lazy to do anything
Jailyn:well what time uu gotta be there

I made me some cereal and sat in the living room with Jailyn and watch whatever he was watching

As I was eating I was thinking about pranking him like I was cheating while he was away from the house but I didn't know how to get him out the house till I remembered we just ran out of milk
Me:bae can uu go get some milk and a few snacks
He got up and got his keys and wallet
Jailyn:I love you baby
Me:I love you too
He say kissing me walking out

I waited a few minutes before getting my camera out recording
Me:wassup shortys it's yo girl DaKayla and I'm back with another video today I'm gon be pranking Jailyn like I'm prolly suckin off another dude or we doin da deed asum but I gotta hurry up an set these cameras and shit up befo he come back cause the store like 5 minutes away cause I know his lazy ass took the back way sooo yea don't forget to subscribe like comment and share with yo brother baby mama other baby daddy sister auntie
I say turning the camera off

I hurry up and set up a camera by the door for when he walk in , one in the kitchen pointing towards the door and the room and one in the room behind the tv

-10 minutes later-
As I was on my phone I heard the door open and close
Me:wait wait it's to big
I moan
Me:I don't care take it
I say in a deep voice
Me:please daddy stop
I moan

I lay on the bed and started kicking the headboard while clapping my hands moaning

Jailyn POV
I walk in the house and heard DaKayla moaning and another nigga voice

I put the bags down and went listened by the door I heard her getting her shii clappppped
I tried to open the door but couldn't

DaKayla POV
Me:ok hollon
I stop and mess up the bed and took my clothes off and threw them around the room and put some shorts and a tube top on then wrap up in the cover
Me:hollon bae hurry up go go go
Me:okok hold on mane , go in there
I open and close the closet door and ran and opened it
Jailyn:where lil dude at bruh
he say walkin in the room lookin around
Me:whatchu mean
Jailyn:nevermind mane
he grabbed his bag from under the bed and started packing his clothes while silently crying
Jailyn:really bruh all i did was be a good bf nd uu cheat on me i did any and every thing for you and you fuck another nigga

i grab the camera and went over to him and hug him
me: im sorry baby
he reach in the bag nd grab his gun and put it in the middle of my back as he look at the camera
jailyn: think twice befo playing wit me dakayla
i turn the camera off den grab the gun
me: point another gun at me and watch i beat yo ass with and without the gun uu gon stop playin wit me  lil boy cs i ain't yo ex wit ha scary ass
jailyn look at me nd we both got a notification from instagram
i look at my phone nd seen it's from his instagram

me:who det talm bout sum let's link
i say clicking on it and seen a girl that look familiar
me:who dis
i say showing him as i think about who she might be
jailyn:ion kno
me:jailyn who randomly say dis shit
jailyn:a lot of people bae i promise i haven't been doin nun or talkin to nobody uu kno how i am
i zone out den it finally click
i open it and text her nd tell her to the address
and she text back sayin "don't tell dakayla" then i text back sayin "ok"

jailyn:bae why uu say det
me:cs dets karter baby momma also his ex det fought me 2 times ova him
jailyn:did uu win
i heard a knock on the door and i stand behind the door as he open it
kayla:wassup cs i'm on det timing today
she say touching on him
i came from behind him nd hit her in ha jaw

jailyn closed the door and locked it as i beat her ass
me:not uu thinkin i wasnt gon find out
i say laughing nd fixing my clothes
kayla:hoe uu not bout nun uu finally win a fight lame ahh hoe
i grab ha hair and drag ha to the door
i open the door and put ha neck in the door way and start slamming the door on her neck

jailyn came and held the door on her neck and i jump on her stomach repeatedly
me:bitch i always won stupid ahh hoe
i stop and open the door
me:now get yo stupid ass up nd go home bitch nd don't come out det mfa till i say so
she got up holding her stomach
kayla:fuck uu bitch i bet i have yo nigga by next week
i run up behind her hitting her in the face
me:bitch stop saying nigga
i say as i stomp on her face
jailyn:ight bae come on
he say trying pull me away from her
me:it's always da opp ahh hoe
i say as i slap her
jailyn:come on dakayla

i stop and look at him like he crazy
me:df it sound like uu tryna save his hoe
jailyn:noooooooooo bae i js don't want uu to go to jail
me:stfu nd get yo shit
i say walking in my apartment closing the door
me:mane fuck ahh niggas lame as fuck
jailyn came in and grab my neck choking me really hard
jailyn:bitch who df a fuck nigga
jailyn slap me and i punch him in the face
jailyn:lose yo fucking attitude befo i fuck yo life up
he say as he tighten his grip
me:move i gotta go
i struggle to say

jailyn:nawl uu on bs heavy
he say slapping me repeatedly
me:jailyn move
jailyn:no who df is a fuck nigga
jailyn:who a lame nigga
jailyn:thought so
he let me go and i punch him in his face knocking him out then i go get my school stuff and go get in my car then go to school

A Hood Love Story🤍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora