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tonight, there wasn't any beef. so everyone skated as they pleased doing tricks and whatnot. the red head watched as his friends skate around teasing each other. He looked over at the girl next to him and smiled. she had a huge smile plastered on her face. she watched her brother as he taunts Langa who deadpans at him.

"i know skating isn't your thing but—"

"shut up Reki! its fine! plus i get to watch you...and langa skate."

"hey y/n..." Reki looked at Y/n with a mischievous smile. she looked over at him and immediately knew he was up to something. "what is it Reki?"

"do you wanna try and skate?"

Y/n looked at reki like he was crazy. "are you serious?" all Reki did was look at her with a determined smile. Y/n really wanted to say no but she spoke before thinking. "okay...i'll try."

"yes!" Reki pumped his fist in the air in celebration. y/n just rolled her eyes fighting the growing smile on her face.


"okay put your foot not there y/n...Okay, you got it!" y/n puffed her cheeks out in frustration. she's already fallen twice and both times where embarrassing. she wobbled on the board while holding her arms up in the air. she fell once again and groaned.

"this is stupid." Reki laughed and held out his hand for her to take. she smacks his hand and huffs. she pushed herself of the group and whipped the dust of her body.

"okay how 'bout we try something different." y/n folded her arms. "like what?" Reki offers both of his hands. y/n deadpans at the skater. "are you serious?" Reki nodded his head. he extended his arms more edging for y/n to take his hands. she sighs and slaps her hands into his. he guides her onto the board. she wobbles slightly. Reki took notice to this and moved one of his hands on to her arm. "see, it worked!"

"this is so embarrassing..."

Reki just shrugged his shoulders. "well everyone has to start somewhere yeah?" Y/n nods her head. "i guess so..." the two students stayed  in the same spot for an hour trying to at least get the girl to skate in a straight line by herself. she had to skate from one empty bottle to another. the first time she refused to let go of Reki hand as if she didn't whine about it being embarrassing just moments ago.

by the tenth attempt she let go of Reki's hand and kinda skated in a straight line. when she made it to the second bottle she crashed into it and fell on her butt. she pushed herself up quickly so she wouldn't be embarrassed.Reki ran up to her and shook her repeatedly.

"You did it! you finally did it!"

"Reki stop shaking me!"

Even though Y/n somewhat skated in a straight line, the lesson wasn't over. this time she had to skate a longer distance. a lot longer than the first distance. y/n sighed while clumsily getting onto the skateboard. "why did i agree to this?" around her fifth attempt Langa and Miya came around to watch.

"wow onnesan, you are so pitiful."

"go away Miya."

"no chance."

after her fiftieth attempt she almost threw the skateboard right into miya's face because his laughter was getting to her. she plopped onto the ground and groaned. Reki walked over to her with a stern face and put his hands on his hips. "Reki, i don't want to do this anymore." she said while leaning her head on his leg. The skater was about to scold her but she cut him of with another groan.

"can you please just take me home now?"

Reki's face relaxed a bit before he sighs in defeat.

"yeah. give me your hand."

Y/n outstretched her arm. Reki took her hand and pulled her up. "See you guys later!" Reki said waving to his friends. "leaving so soon?" Cherry said looking over at Reki. "yep. Y/n here is tired so i'm taking her home." Cherry hummed then waved the teenagers off. Reki pulled the sleepy girl along to his motorbike. he gently put a helmet on her head and got on. Y/n lazily followed after. she laid her head on his back and wrapped her arms around him. "go already Reki." she mumbled while burying her face deeper into his back.

Reki surprisingly blushed at this action. he shook it off blaming the girls drowsiness for her actions and a pulled off.


"Langa, does Reki like my sister?"

Langa looked at Miya confused. "why would i know?" Miya looked at Langa like he was stupid. "because you guys are like best friends?" Langa shrugged his shoulders. "so?" Miya grabbed the bridge of his nose and sighed in frustration.

"you know what? just forget it."


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