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there was a visible scowl on y/n's face, and well her teammates where quite terrified. Mei was basically shaking as she set to y/n. she would alway hit the ball so hard it seemed personal. finally the girls sacrificed Sora to go confront their captain. "come on sora! y/n senpai likes you the most!" Mei whisper-yelled. Sora's face turned red. "w-what makes y-you think that!"

mei grabbed her shoulder. she looked at her and made serious eye contact. "you are adorable and everyone loves you. she'll probably yell at us but, with you we have a better chance with not dying." Sora's face became even redder if that was possible. "o-okay..." mei hugged sora. "thanks a lot cutie!"

Sora slowly made her way to y/n. she was turned the other way doing who knows what. sora sighed softly before tugging on the bottom of y/n's shirt. she turned around with a scowl on her face. her face eases up a bit seeing Sora. "what is it sora?" said girl flinched. she looked anywhere but her captain. "u-um i just wanted to check on you senpai. a-are you okay?" y/n's scowl quickly turned into a smile. "i'm alright Sora-chan! don't worry about me!" y/n said before ruffling her hair. Sora whined softly while swatting at her captain.

all the other teammates sighed in relief. Mei high fived the libero keiko. "what made her upset anyways?" keiko whispered. "everyone keeps asking her if she's dating kyan reki." mei whispered back. Keiko tilted her head confused. "huh...i thought they where."

y/n looked over at the rest of the team and quirked her eyebrow up. "what the hell are you celebrating for? back to the court girls!" the girls groaned before running back on the court.


y/n sat in class during a break before lunch, mindlessly playing on her phone. "hey chinen-san!" y/n looked up at one of her classmates and smiled. "hello Dai-kun. do you need something?" Dai looked at his friends before smirking. "are you dating kyan?" y/n's smile wavered.

"listen here Dai-kun. i don't see how that's any of your business but, no me and Reki-kun aren't dating. i don't see why would that be any of your concern. anyways, have a nice day!"

"u-um yeah. y-you too..." Dai and the boys whispered to each other while quickly walking away from the girl.

y/n watched as the two boys disappeared. y/n deflated and laid her head down. she looked out the window and sighed. "dating Reki? what a joke..."  y/n rolled her pencil back and forth thinking back to their set of encounters yesterday. "such a big contrast..." she blinked and smiled softly. "you really are something Reki..." y/n thoughts where interrupted as she saw a certain red head skating while her classmates cheer him on. y/n slowly got from her desk and look out the window with the others.

"what's he doing?" Y/n mumbled. one of her classmates looked back and smiled. "being chased by teachers. as usual." Y/n hummed. she noticed the teacher catching up to Reki. without thinking, y/n cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled. "don't get caught Reki-Kun!" Reki looked up at the window. he smiled and threw up a piece sign. y/n smiled right back.

y/n heard the whispers behind her and tuned them out completely. she sat back down at her desk and continued to daydream. waiting for the break to be over. she just wanted the next classes to be over so she can go home.

well instead of going home, she gets embarrassed once more by the one and only... "y/n! come with me!" said girl popped her head up from off her desk. "Reki? how did you get up here so quickly?" right before Reki could answer, Langa came tumbling into the room out of breath. Reki noticed him and gave him a smile. "sorry for leaving you langa!" Langa gave him a blank expression. he simply held out his hand and Reki seemed to get what he meant. he handed him an unopened coca cola bottle from his book bag.

"why do you just have cola in your bag?" Y/n says while walking right pass the two. they both followed her out the classroom. before Reki could answer her previous question, she asked another. "what do you need from me?"

"why do you always think i need something from you? i was just gonna ask if you wanted to eat with us again."


it shocked her it really did. the only time people talk to her is when the need something.

"hey chinen-san i need hell with work"

"hey Y/n! i need help with my spikes."

"chinen-san! sensei needs you!"

she was always expecting it. she found it so normal and now Reki dosen't need her to sit with them, he wants her to sit with them. it took her a while to process the words and, well Reki's impatient. he sighs before dragging y/n along. a wave of de ja vu hit y/n before she snapped out of it. "i can walk on my own ya know!"

"it didn't seem like it..."

y/n mumbled out s string of curses before yanking her arm away. thats when she finally noticed the cast Reki wore around his neck supporting his arm. "hey, reki?"


"how'd you hurt yourself?" Reki let out a nervous chuckle. "ah, ya know...the usual." Y/n quirked and eyebrow up. "which is?" Langa quickly swooped in to save Reki. "he fell weird at the skate park. turns out he broke his arm." y/n looked at a Reki before bursting out laughing. "yer' such a dumbass!" Y/n yelled out. Reki looked at the girl in bewilderment and yelled in protest. the duo bickered with each other while Langa trailed behind.

"both of them are idiots..." Langa thought to himself.

soon enough the bickering turned into a while new conversation. as they make it up to the roof of the school, they talked about random things. grades,jobs, and hobbies. nothing that they really talked about was important, but Y/n didn't care. she enjoyed talking about anything other that school.

strangely, Y/n was already working her way into the small friend group. she didn't mind one bit.


a short chapter...but what can i say? i'm a high school student. leave me alone

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